[:1]Well this toon is my hunter and i just hit 85 yesterday. Well i already got a bit of gear and ive been doing a bit of FL trash and i do about 9k-11k single target and 13-28k on multi target (28k mostly on scorpids 13k on the hounds).
I was wondering if for my gear if that is a ok dps and if there is any flaws in my spec or anything which i know theyre will be because i havent respecd in forever. If any of you BM leet hunters dont mind helping me out and pointing out a couple of flaws id be appreciative ^_^ thank you
I just dusted off my hunter after her lying around for.... let's just say the last thing I ran before today was normal Nexxus, to give you an idea. This is to say "ok, I'm a huntard atm, and relearning the class." So I'm sure someone with more experience can point out a lot more things than I - and I'll be revisiting the thread to see what I can take advantage of myself.
That said, your hit is abysmally low. That's probably where a good bit of your dps is going, into misses, and those misses into the chance to proc focused fire etc. A 5% miss rate may not seem like much - until you factor in that's 5% of your arcane shots, which make up about 50% of your dps. That's an ouch. About 2-3k dps single target out the window there.
Without the luck of the draw buff, I'm sitting around 8k single target, more if I blow bestial wrath and fervor - so I think it's safe to say you're on the low side. I see a couple things in your spec I'd change for PvE, but I'll leave that to the more experienced hunters, since I'm just learning the ropes again myself, basically since BC. (The only advantage is I still know how to kite and trap lol...) Ditto on reforging to hit, not sure with your gear what stat I'd sacrifice first - but hit is always primary. Hitting hard just can't compensate for a lot of misses.
Here's a nifty little site I found
Stat priority: Agi > Hit 8% > Crit > Mastery > Haste
Try reforging haste into hit to avoid gemming for hit. Only match socket bonuses for yellow/blue gems if the bonus is +20 agi or greater.
I think your cat pet is missing some talents spent.
Bestial Wrath/Call of the Wild (ferocity pet) - Use Arcane Shot and Kill command
Rapid Fire/Focus Fire - Use Cobra shot and Kill command
Never use Steady Shot.
Make sure not to use any haste cooldowns (such as rapid fire and focus fire) while under the effects of Bestial Wrath.
Replace Serpent Sting and Steady Shot with Kill Command and Kill Shot. (You might want to glyph Feign Death also. You'll want it if you're grinding heroics :P)
If you would like, you can have a glance and my spec. The points in Spirit Bond can be put into Imp Mend Pet or split between the two, but I don't see my pet in critical danger very often if at all. The 3 in the survival tree can be lenient but 3 points for 3% haste is a bit bogus for BM.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, Leorina covered most of what I would've said.
Here's some things I noticed at a glance. Yes, your hit is extremely low.
@Boompow & Fylliene,
Your specs need some points shifted around. Your BM build should look like either mine or Leorina's. The points that her and I differ on are really just floater points anyway. The points her and I have the same are the key ones any BM spec should have. In other words, this build here.
The remaining 2 points will go in either pathing or improved serpent sting (both in the SV tree). You can also move the points in spirit bond to another filler talent if you'd prefer.
The same is true on glyphs. You both need to at least ditch steady shot for kill command. Trading serpent sting for kill shot would be a wise choice as well. Aside from bestial wrath as a major glyph, all the remaining glyphs are just personal preferrence and play style.
Pet talents need to be fixed as well. This would be a better build.
There's 2 points remaining. Putting one in charge would be good.
But depending on your needs, you may want to get Heart of the phoenix.
Other than all that, nothings popping out at me right now. I hope this helps.
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