Wednesday, April 18, 2012

macro for target hunter pets?

i was wondering if theres a macro for target the hunters pet and cast scare beast

/cast [@petnamehere] Scare Beast
To answer your question, no, there is no scare beast macro available to target the target hunters pet unless, like the post above stated, you knew the name of the pet in advanced. Your best bet is to make a focus macro, to set the hunters pet as your focus, and a "/cast[target=focus] scare beast" macro... it would be a fast 1 click (everyone should have a /focus macro, or the focus command keybound IMO) to focus the pet, and then anytime you need to fear it, your macro will aim for that pet.

Note: You will have to refocus the pet if it dies, you die and it gets out of range, and for each new hunter, but it's the best solution i can think of.

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