What type of content do you focus on?
PvE. The PvP players I’ve met have been so unpleasant about it that I really don’t care.
If PvE, what type of PvE?
Leveling and RP. I’ve been on two dungeons, the last one ended with two sentences on chat: “that sucked.” “its the healing” and I was bounced off the party. Okay, I’m a newb with dungeons, but man. Apparently newbs don’t exist in dungeons.
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
Ammunition was an extra limit that no one else had an equivalent of. On the other hand, it made you pay attention and plan, and getting rid of ammunition is dumbing-down the class. In this same vein, getting rid of the need to feed pets on a regular basis is also a dumbing-down of the class since there’s one less thing to pay attention to and plan for.
It was a reasonable and interesting handicap that, if I wanted a stable-full of high-level pets, that I had to make sure I had the food for each pet to run on. Put pet-feeding back as part of a regular hunter duty. In fact, make the food rare or otherwise hard to find, to go with the relative rarity of the pet.
Stop simplifying pets. Add to their complexity by letting some keep some special abilities if they are a rare or elite pet. Let rare or elite pets have a title as such, just to make sure everyone appreciates it. Right now, the pets are pretty much all the same within three broad categories, and I suspect the next step would be to reduce each class of pet to a generic blob - a cunning blob, a tenacity blob, and a ferocity blob.
A lot of players want hunters to have handguns, and allow them to dual-wield handguns on top of that. I have NO desire to play “Tomb Raider” again, but if this were to happen, I suggest giving handguns “reloading time” and “limited magazine capacity” by limiting handguns to a certain number of shots (depending on the level of the gun) and then having a cool-down time kick-in when the last shot is fired (to represent reloading). Handguns would still have unlimited ammo. In a related note, please make sure no one else gets “autoshot” with ranged weapons, as this is one of the big signatures of hunters.
What makes playing your class more fun?
I usually play solo. Having a pet is always having a partner, a smarter, more dependable one than some players. Anything that makes the pet more autonomous is nice; I prefer the old “offensive” pet-setting to the current “assist”, because I find many times where I’m attacked by something that would have been blocked by the old “offensive” setting.
The class is versatile with weapons, melee and ranged. I think the limited melee attack moves allow hunters to be survivable without being a tank with ranged weapons.
What makes playing your class less fun?
The dumbing down of the game. Getting rid of ammunition was okay, but I’m seeing pets reduced to lumps of DPS with animation. At the point the rules say all pets do pretty much the same thing, is the point this needs to stop.
Likewise, I don’t like that player-character races are all the same. I like that some races might be better at some things than others, and I understand the need to balance this out in the overall game. But I see no reason the players shouldn’t have to make choices, and I would prefer it. If a race is supposed to be good (or bad) at something, make them good (or bad) at it, instead giving them a meaningless bump at the start that goes away at the end. Get rid of restrictions on classes for the races, just make it clear that a low-AGI hunter or low-INT mage is going to be hurting.
How do you feel about your “rotation”?
I have no idea.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
Maintain hunters as ranged DPS. Keep the minimum range, and limit melee options. Do not increase the minimum range, since that would start to reduce our ability to solo. Do not allow anyone else to have autoshot for ranged weapons.
Basset hounds as pets.
Customization of pets - armor, trinkets, food, weapons, cosmetic changes like coloring and jewelry. Considering how crazy people are for their pets in RL, this could be a huge subset of the game, and could involve all the professions in one way or another.
Bring back pets with special, or quirky, behaviors that stick after taming.
Treat combat pets as treasure - perhaps even making some pets “green” “blue” or “purple”. They should be harder to find and tame, of course.
Instead of pet modes of action, incorporate them into pets as “temperament” or “personality”. Some players will complain because their favorite animal isn’t the temperament they want, but that just means they have to pick and choose (like, think about what they’re doing, something a lot of hunters don’t do).
What spells do you use the least?
I don’t use survival specs.
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
Survival hunter. how easy it is to be flushed with focus one moment, and starved the next.
What makes playing your class more fun?
What makes playing your class less fun?
Minimum distance on some bosses, like Baleroc, where you are forced to sometimes get into melee range.
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
Survival, the focus flush or starvation states, Beast mastery is good where it stands.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
For giggles, really big bosses should have no minimum range, think about it, just aim for the head, not their ankles.
What spells do you use the least?
Immolation Trap
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