Monday, April 16, 2012

Beast Mastery guide/sticky?

Hey guys, just noticed that there was no sticky for a Beast Mastery guide. Is the spec just so terrible that nobody plays it? (I really know nothing about hunters at all, I just started about 10 minutes ago) I was planning on going BM for leveling, and I suppose I could just wing it for my spec, but I would feel a bit more comfortable following a guide...:)
A beast mastery PvE guide would look something like this.

Step 1) Go to trainer
Step 2) Ask to unlearn your talent points
Step 3) See
You're not going to find much other than a whole lot of hatred and stuff like the above post, because the theoretical damage that only the top few percent of the playerbase can even approach isn't as high as the other specs. It really doesn't matter what you level as regardless of what you want to do in the long run, though. SV is probably the fastest until you can get Rapid Recuperation in MM. Particularly early in the game, an Explosive Shot will kill things before your BM pet would even be able to reach them.

Play what you like, though. I don't think it matters for the majority of the playerbase for any aspect of the game, let alone leveling. With as nerfed as leveling is these days, you'd probably be able to do it without choosing a sepc at all and still breeze through.
You're not going to find much other than a whole lot of hatred and stuff like the above post, because the theoretical damage that only the top few percent of the playerbase can even approach isn't as high as the other specs. It really doesn't matter what you level as regardless of what you want to do in the long run, though. SV is probably the fastest until you can get Rapid Recuperation in MM. Particularly early in the game, an Explosive Shot will kill things before your BM pet would even be able to reach them.

Play what you like, though. I don't think it matters for the majority of the playerbase for any aspect of the game, let alone leveling. With as nerfed as leveling is these days, you'd probably be able to do it without choosing a sepc at all and still breeze through.

pretty much this for leveling. Once you hit 85 though if you go into raiding you aren't going to do crap for DPS as BM because most fights aren't pet friendly, and it is just plain less DPS on single target fights anyway, thats why there's no serious pve guide for it.

The best part about leveling as BM is kill command has whatever range your pet is out. Battlegrounds just get a pet with no CD dash and you send him in and spam kill command from 60+ yards out.

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