Monday, April 16, 2012

Macros For PVP

Been dueling quite a bit. Trying to get ready for arena tonite. And I seem to have major trouble with DKs. I have 3 macros dont know if they are effective much. Seems when the DK death grips me and stuns me I can trinket out and use macro thus I continue kiting. However, 2 seconds later I am death gripped again and my macros are on CD. Any ideas or macros you all use would be helpful.

My macros are pretty basic
1. Concussive Shot and Kill Command
2. Serpent Sting and Arcane
3. Scatter Shot, Trap, Disengage
These are all on my mouse so I can continue to kite
BTW do you think I should macro something that would have Deterrence?
#showtooltip Chimera Shot
/cancelaura Deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Chimera Shot

To get a Chimera shot off when you really need it for pressure. It stops steady/cobra/aimed shots and cancels deterrence.

/cast Disengage

So that you can disengage out of trouble even if your in the middle of a cast.

/cast Deterrence

To cast deterrence even if you are in the middle of a cast.

#showtooltip Silencing Shot
/cast [target=mouseover, harm,exists][harm] Silencing Shot

To get that important silence off on the healer while staying on your target. If nothing is moused over, it will cast on your current target.

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [target=mouseover, harm,exists][harm] Scatter Shot

Same as silence in essence.

/target player
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Roar of Sacrifice
/cast Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)
/cast Roar of Recovery

This is a macro I made for these three abilities in essence. It will target me, cast whichever of these spells are available then go back to the enemy target. It's seemless and you won't notice a difference. If you mouse over a friendly target, it will cast the available ability on that friend if you mouse over them.

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Intervene
/cast Intervene
/target player
/cast Intervene
/Passive(Pet Stance)

This one is a bit outdated but still works fine. If you mouse over a friend, and the friend is in range, the pet will intervene them. If the friend is not in range, the pet will instead target you and intervene you. Regardless of what happens, you will target your last target (the enemy). I put pet passive on there due to the old mechanic where the pet had to be within range for it to take damage as well. I kept it because I usually want to do a crab pin/monkey stun on a melee afterwords and it keeps the pet close by and on stand by.

/cast Kill Shot

This will get that important kill shot off even if your mid steady cast.

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Master's Call

This makes sure that master's call takes prescedence over your steady cast. It also works as a mouse over to a friendly target. Great if you have melee team mates. Master's Call automatically targets you or a targeted friend as a standard, so if you do not have a friendly moused over, it will come to you or your targeted friend.

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast !Steady Shot

The lazy way to stance dance.

i do not understand your macros. why do you have serpent sting and arcane shot macroed together? and why do you have disengage macroed to your scatter trap? wing clip + disengage is a more logical combo.

when fighting a DK don't use disengage before he grips you. don't trinket if he still has stuns available or hasn't gripped you yet... it's like trinketing sap. waste of a trinket.
I figure get off my dot then as I am kiting use Arcane which in my macro is mouse up
I like Scatter since it disorients opponent but I am gonna change that one since it makes since to slow opponent down using wing clip

WOW!! Do hunters really need that many macros LOL!
Oh and with the DK I dont disengage til he/she death grips me.
So when he/she does Disengage wait for stun then trinket-right?
Felise thank you for macros-BTW where do key bind all those macros LOL
My 5 button mouse.

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