Saturday, April 21, 2012

shot rotations

i havnt played my hunter since BC lvl 70 got him to 74 then quit, a lot has changed just curious whats the best stack as far as stats, and a shot rotation, i used to pretty much just spam steady shot timing it right you get the highest possible dps

Hunter boa ?

ok so im starting a brand new hunter and was wondering if i had to buy the leather boa or if i could get the mail boa and it would work for my hunter before he hit lvl 40? what boa do you guys recommend me getting?
All pve
mail shoulders
mail chest
double daggers with agility enchants
mail helm
agility cloak

The mail automatically scales armor type based on level. If can wear only leather first, it's leather. When you can wear mail, it turns into mail.
i was under the impression you cant enchant boa items? is that wrong? and is there 1 boa dagger that you just buy 2 of?

You can enchant them with enchants that have no lvl requirement.
And yes.
You can use Vanilla Enchants that don't require a speciffic ilvl. +15agi to 1h weapon, +4stats to chest etc.

Balanced Heartseeker isn't unique so you can use 2 of them

So who's got what Madexx?

I recently tamed the almighty epic looking rare spawn scorpion pet, Madexx from Uldum. And I love it!

I tamed the blue one, what have you guys gotten so far?

I HAD a blue one too but had to abandon for some of the new MF pets :( i found Skarr and Deth to be more desirable and since i have all the spirit beasts and my original wolf Redd(who i wont give up) there simply is not enough room for Madexx no matter what color skin :(
I got da black one
I've never even seen him yet lol, and I'm in Uldum all the time.
I had all of them but I let two go. That said, I still have the eye tic from spending so much time there.
I used to have the green one. Had to let it go to make room for other pets, before they expanded the stable.
I have him, but not one of my favorites.
Red and Blue, I had black but damn blizzard made it common, so I let him go :(
I had green and black but abandoned both and found red the other day was happy after seeing black 10times "rofl" finally find red
I only have green, though I don't use him much.
Had blue. Now brown.
Madexx was the 2nd hardest rare for me to find, 9 madexxes, 2 black, 3 blue, 2 green, the rest brown, what a nightmare. Finally got the red one, was the last one i needed. Hang in there hunters, hopefully youll have better luck than i had
hahaha uncle muscles is fantastic

i have the blue one and dont think ive ever used him. but just wanted to show my support for the uncle muscles hour
check out the name of my dethilac and blue madexx
Got the red/purple one, first day of NPCscan no less.
I got the dark red version the first and only time I tried to camp him...very lucky for me, it looks really good.
i have the brown one an the green one

Hunter Stream Firelands <Blood Legion>

Going to be testing out streaming this week starting tonight @ 8PM EST if anyone is interested link is

o_O Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them between bosses.

Flames INC
Will you guys (gals) be killing HM Rags tn?
Yes going live soon
Watching it now, seems like you pulled some foolies on us :) I'll tune in tomorrow for your guys' main group. GL tn on your staff stuffs.

Rofl @ spotify rage
Thanks for everyone that tuned in sorry about the Class mixup. I will be on my actual Hunter next same time. We do 2 25man Heroic 7/7 Firelands clears divided into half mains half alts. Tuesday is always my Hunters day and Wednesday is always my Warlocks day but I guess we were missing some people from Group 1 because they're at Blizzcon so we switched the day I started streaming. Sorry about this tune in tomorrow. Oh and about Spotify I'm switching to Pandora lol.

Snake trap buff idea

1: Remove Deadly Poison.

2: Make Cobra Shot refresh other snake poisons.

Other poisons aren't useful in PvE..

Marks doesn't use Cobra Shot, and it's currently the best spec in PvP.
I personally would just be happy if they took the deadly poison off. That's all I ask
Other poisons aren't useful in PvE..

Marks doesn't use Cobra Shot, and it's currently the best spec in PvP.
This would buff MM and the other 2 specs for pvp if said changes were made. Although I think that just removing deadly poison would be enough. How often is snake trap used in PVE anyways?

Hunter PvP

Are hunter really bad at arenas like alot of people are saying? I plan on pvping on this toon once I get him fully geared and I'm doing good at bgs and such. But I also plan on doing arenas. Are people over-exaggerating hunters at PvP?

Also what spec would be best for PvP? BM or MM?
Hunters are ok, just hard.

MM has more control.

You can BM your way up to 1800 easy... in 2v2.
Are hunter really bad at arenas like alot of people are saying? I plan on pvping on this toon once I get him fully geared and I'm doing good at bgs and such. But I also plan on doing arenas. Are people over-exaggerating hunters at PvP?

Also what spec would be best for PvP? BM or MM?

This is my first season actually doing arenas. In my opinion we aren't that bad overall. It's somewhat frustrating having people pole hump. >.< There a lot of things you will need to adjust and have fast reaction to. Good luck.
Were the lowest pvp class as a whole at the moment (not spec, but the entire class). The people saying were fine are probably playing under 2200, but as you get to a higher rating its a lot harder

Disappointment Over New Spider Pets

I realize that the art department has their work cut out for them. But with these new spiders in Firelands, would it be too much to ask to make the rare tames slightly different than the normal ones running around? It's a little disappointing to know that three of the five rare challenge tames have a normal version that can also be tamed, and makes it to where those rares are utterly pointless for collectors.

There is no reason to tame Skitterflame. He's a rare red fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Spinner. In fact, you could tame a Cinderweb Spinner and call it Skitterflame.

There is no reason to tame Anthriss. He's a rare yellow fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Creeper. Again, you could just tame a Cinderweb Creeper and name it Anthriss.

There is no reason to tame Kirix. He's the rare green fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Broodling. Yet again, the Cinderweb Broodling can be tamed and named Kirix.

Solix is the rare orange fire spider. It shares the same model as the Cinderling, but thankfully, the Cinderling cannot be tamed.

It seems that Deth'tilac is the only unique colored fire spider out of the whole bunch, but even then, it's still just a color swap. Can anything be done about the new challenge tames to make them stand out a little from their less rare brethren? Can we maybe have the rare challenge tames be bigger than the normal spiders when tamed? Or possibly a cool fire aura or something that differentiates the rare challenge tames from the normals?
Ive said the same thing. No point in going for wasting time taming them when you can get is brothers and sisters lol
I find it more satisfying to know that I DID tame a pet of varying challenge as opposed to grabbing a carbon copy and posing it as if I actually worked for something.
Im a collector. Pets, Mounts, Companions, Tabards, Keys, etc.... And those 3 spider pets were anything but utterly pointless for me. Same with Borwn Maddex. Same with Rakshiri which shares a model with the now very common Shy-rotam. True Deth'tilac was the one i decided to keep but thats because theres only so many stable slots and i was only willing to give one to a spider. If i had more slots would I be satisfied going after the common three and naming their after their rare counterparts? Never. As a collector it would gnaw at me endlessly.

What was the point? That they exist. That I knew they are out there, challenges made specificly for me, and I hadnt tamed them. Not to parade them around outside the bank in Stormwind.
It would have been a better idea if the spiders had a unique ability as opposed to the regular spiders. EVEN IF the ability is the web does a small amount of fire damage. better that than a basic web that the silithid bugs and shale spider spew out.
Cinderweb Broodlings cannot be tamed. So yeah....
Actually they can. Theres 2 types. The normal small green ones that are always there cannot be tamed. There is also a random spawn of a small pack of them that runs around for a few minutes then despawns, these can be tamed. I myself had one until I managed to stumble across Kirix and get him.

I do agree about the Rares though, something should be done to make them different than their common counterparts. Hell, let them keep the Web ability like it, however change it to the Fire Web type that is in Beth'tilac's lair. Not game breaking, but would show that they are indeed unique.
Cinderweb Broodlings cannot be tamed. So yeah....

They most definitely can be. Petopia is wrong in this case.

Who are the top BM PVP Hunters?

Are there any?

are core hounds somewhat unpopular

again no cliche pets like wolfs or cats which is sad to see so many people using when thereis all of these unique animals and there forced with cliches because of the buffs
i love my corehounds. I have chromagus and the white one from the drenai starting zone. The issue with corehounds is that they arent the best at anything. Their advantages are pretty awesome though. A casting slow and a personal blood lust. The issue is in PvP a snare or stun outweighs the need for a casting slow and the personal bloodlusts cooldown makes it unreasonable when compared to shorter cooldowns. In PVE other pets boost your damage more and the abilities are unneeded as in most raids you have a source of bloodlust and the casting slow is usually ineffective.
You need to be BM to use a corehound. So you will see less of them around than other pets.

I hope I never have to touch the BM spec again myself since I hate that spec with a passion.

Being forced to use it in BC was enough for me.
You need to be BM to use a corehound. So you will see less of them around than other pets.

I hope I never have to touch the BM spec again myself since I hate that spec with a passion.

Being forced to use it in BC was enough for me.

Strangely enough, I feel exactly the same way about MM.

I detest it and hated having to do it during Wrath.
I love core hounds! Their buff is great to pull out if there are no mages to cast it, ancient hysteria i mean. When im BM i usually use a spirit beast like karoma or Gondria, but i pull out my Core hound a bit. The problem is that in general, BM pulls less DPS than MM. Those are my specs but lately i've been rollin as MM
I've seen at least 5k hounds on my realm tbh.
It's all about the buff for me. When I was raiding, we had several consistent raiding Shamans, and mages so Ancient Hysteria was rarely required.

Because you can't use Ancient Hysteria in arenas and rated bgs, that makes Core Hound a pretty unattractive pet there.

But just on its own merits, I love my corehound for the skin, the roar, the whole look and feel of the pet. I wish I had more opportunities to use it seriously.

I would love to tame Chromagus, but sadly I don't use BM much anymore. I loved my Corehound in PvP and PvE. When I was doing Randoms, I just used my Corehound because he was cool and then I would Bloodlust on the Boss when I felt like it instead of waiting the Restro/Ele Shaman or Mage in the group.
I loved playing as BM in WOTLK PVP with The Beast from LBRS. He showed as ? level and boss tag, it was funny imagining the 'wtf?!'s coming from people who were fighting then suddenly had a huge Boss mob eating their face!
You need to be BM to use a corehound. So you will see less of them around than other pets.

I hope I never have to touch the BM spec again myself since I hate that spec with a passion.

Being forced to use it in BC was enough for me.

Survival hunters were more than viable back then. They didn't do the damage BM did, but they provided an amazing buff to physical dps classes.

So, with that said, you had other options. You chose not to use them, though.

Since I was not being asked to bring the buff but was being questioned why I was once the top DPS and top hunter and dropped below the other two hunters who adopted the one button macro BM spec I had no choice but to change my spec so that I could bring what I was being asked to bring to the raid. DPS.

Rate the hunter below you

A pure genius if there ever was one. He probably doesn't know how to gem properly and most likely doesn't know how to read properly and wants to rate the hunter above him. Plus his hairstyle, both in real life and in game, leaves something to be desired.
Man, this guy must be a Huntard. He's got +40 Mastery gems in all his yellow sockets and is dual-wielding Strength Axes with Expertise. Now, if only we could do something about that fashion sense, because that tabard is just disgusting.

Edit: BTW, grats on Loremaster Drunkraven.
Wtf if this guy doing?
im gonna say 10/10 just because this guy looks baller but he doesnt have his heroic tier chest. everything else is heroic :P
Close framed, very close.

As for the guy below me he's BM, nuff said.

40 hit gem below me, for shame

tier 12 rotation

whats the rotation(s) for 1tier 12 4 piece?

looking for it online and cant find it
Spam aimed shot when above 90% while keeping up ISS. Below 90% serpent, chimera, arcane as your focus dump unless you know you aren't going to move spam aimed. This also depends on your haste.
Thats only for 90 percent phase though.

im going with 1350 haste for latency problems

ami suspose to dump chimera glyph

Thanks anyway
When adding the T12 4 piece to the equation (You have a 10% chance from your Auto Shots to make your next shot or Kill Command cost no focus. This effect is not consumed by shots that do not cost focus (steady shot, cobra shot, etc)), spreadsheets have shown that Kill Command is the more efficient way to use the 4 piece proc, given you can react to it quickly enough to not delay your other shots.

More information can be found here:

BRK is playing again!!!

just wanted to post that the one and only BRK is playing again! can't wait for his next video.
hello brk

Have a bit of a hit problem with new gear :/

I just got the t12 legs and the Rhyolith chest, and after equipping them it seems like I can't get the hit rating to be anything other than massively over or under the cap. If anyone wants to give advice on what I should do that would be great.

I've just put my old gear back on for now.
Also before I got these 2 new pieces on I was perfectly hit capped.
Put your gear into and see if it can help.
Oh I did. It said the most optimal thing I could get was a 975 hit rating...
And apparently the t12 2pc isn't enough to make up for the loss of the t11 4pc
Put pants and chest on. Gem agi and agi/crit gem in chest and gem agi and agi/hit gem in pants, reforge hit on pants to crit, 8% hit rating.....not hard.

The rest of your reforging/gemming/spec/chants are up to you.

FD shows just those changes as a 600ish dps increase for you.
Well I must be doing it wrong then.

I went on FD and reforged hit out of everything that had hit and I was still 100 something over the cap :V
I seemed to have fixed the problem and even got a perfect hit cap, but I had to buy JP boots. Use it

Question about FL trinket

I just got revered with avengers of hyjal last night and now i can buy Ancient Petrified Seed what you guys think about it? should i change one of my trinkets to it?

Currently im using Essence of the Cyclone and Fluid Death

i know this site and i still dont understand really well how to get any conclusions analyzing my gear =P thats why im asking
Current DPS with FD/Cyclone:

Combined: 31016.11 100.00%
Hunter: 27382.80 88.29%
Pet: 3633.31 11.71%

DPS with FD/Ancient Petrified Seed, reforged Mastery to Crit:

Combined: 31060.18 100.00%
Hunter: 27449.12 88.37%
Pet: 3611.06 11.63%

44 DPS upgrade.
Just remember you are going from a passive proc to an on use one, and if you don't use it frequently that value drops dramatically.
Just Macro it to something that hits hard and precedes a period in your rotation of high shot frequency. Generally, on Chimera Shot is a good idea, since it'll affect CS, the SSs afterwards, Arcane Shots afterwards, and the next CS and some stuff after that. I'm not 100% on the MM priority system, but you may want to remember to use it during CA phase, if you don't CS during that.
I generally have on-use trinkets in my cooldowns macro in addition to their own bind, since a trinket's cooldown is shorter.

So it goes

rapid fire etc + trink -> 2 minutes -> trinket alone -> 2 minutes -> rapid fire + trink

This changes for a 6+ minute encounter, because you can get more than two rapid fires in. In that case I'll just keep the trinket and rapid fire on cooldown separately, so I can get the max # of uses of both.
thanks, i think i will try this trinket and see how it will work, yep Chim shot is probably the best option to macro this trinket so i keep using it on cd i just need to add something to my interface to make sure i dont miss any cd on my trinket, probably a power aura or just put the trinket in an easy to see keybind on bartender xD
PowerAura would be best most likely.

Ready to be eaten alive! :D

Hello everyone.

So, I've been playing this hunter for about a year, on and off. Mostly off. WoW was just a game to me then; questing, dungeons, other fun stuff. Now, I'm ready to get a little deeper into it and really play my MM/BM hunter. I'd rather like to be useful in raids/bgs/arenas, instead of a sorry bag of crap.

Most of what I'm reading here is absolute gibberish. I think it's most of the abbreviations, but it could be because I'm a complete moron.

If anyone would like to take the time to educate me, I would appreciate it. I will also appreciate being pointed in the right direction to educate myself as well. I'm not looking for someone to play my class for me, just some help and pointers. :)

Such as...what IS the best rotation for max dps with MM? I'll tell you what I do so far (upon encountering non-bosses that my pet holds aggro): Hunter's Mark, Aimed, Serpents Sting, Arcane, Steady, Cobra, Aimed, Arcane, Steady, Serpent....etc.

Thanks, all. I appreciate all constructive criticism.
It's not easy to find any really useful info on the these forums for hunters. There are a lot of good dedicated hunter sites for understanding our class. One of my faves is elitist jerks( hunter section. It's well moderated from trolls and a lot of the garbage you see here. It also covers a lot of logic and math to back up its info.
Thanks a lot! I'm heading over there now to take a look.

Appreciate it.

I maintain a blog mostly intended for hunters new to end-game. I've got a few different guides which you might find helpful, including a new-85 gear guide:

As well as an MM guide and a guide to gems/enchants/reforging, which you can find links to on the side. :)
Check out for a lot of help regarding PvE for all specs.

T13 2pc

Anyone know if the extra focus generated through Steady Shotting a dazed target with Glyph of Dazzled Prey, or the bonus focus from Steady Shotting a target under 25% health with the spec points for Termination would be doubled through the T13 2pc? If there's no way to know atm just let me know, thanks in advance.
the only way to know would be to physically test it
Good question. Won't be able to test it though until loot drops are turned on in DS.

low level spirit beasts?

are there any tameable for a lvl69 hunter?
lowest one ive found is the bear (Arcturus?) from Griz Hills at 74.

Arcturis is the lowest level unfortunately. the rest range from 76 - 85.

seems kinda silly considering the talent for exotics is available from 69

ah well, not far off i suppose. cheers bud

Been away for a while, have a question.

Ive been away for a couple of years and just recently returned and started a new hunter and ive noticed a couple of differences that im wondering about. Mainly ive noticed that my pet doesnt have "happyness" anymore and previously you would have to feed your pet to maintain its level of contentment my question is if you dont feed your pet to keep it happy what do you feed it for now? Maybe its just im low level and not really noticing all the changes yet but its been nagging at me. Also once again maybe its because im still low lvl but my pet's (currently a wolf) taunt ability seems to be completely useless. the second i fire at my target its all over me and pet cant pull it off. thanks guys
Feeding your pet is completely and utterly useless.

Growl for anything short of a tenacity pet with some of the deeper talents is also useless and should be turned off because the threat is non-existant.
Tenacity seems to be the only pet that can hold decent aggro. Which makes sense, but dont dare have growl on in a dungeon. I used to get yelled at so much by baddie tanks. TURN GROWL OFF! I CAN LET YOUR PET TANK!! ...

Heres a list of all the pets you can have in WoW. The tenacity ones, as has been said, are the best tank pets. And when you're leveling, the damage difference isn't largely noticeable between a ferocity pet and a tenacity pet.

Warp Stalker Name

Looking for a good warp Stalker name. Any ideas?


Yeah, I'm not good at naming other people's pets.


Ya.. apparently I suck at naming other people's pets too...:(


So far this is my fav still open to suggestion i wont name him till i get off work tonight.
I think I'm going to name mine (when I get one :P) off of a Portal character like: Wheatley, Chell, Cave (for Cave Johnson...duh!), or of course GLaDOS


So far this is my fav still open to suggestion i wont name him till i get off work tonight.


I was also going to suggest GLaDOS...
I name all of my pets 'BillOReilly,' especially the ones that have the ability "Enrage."
Now you are thinking with portals () Portal!

Magik ?
I have one named Wiggles :3
Speaking of warp stalkers, who else thinks it would be cool if we could somehow tame the low level one at Area 52?
I have this warpstalker:

And I named it Toothless, after the dragon from "How to Train Your Dragon." XD


Anyone know the best leveling spec for now? looking to get from 73-85 asap ... Questing mostly with instances for occasional gear. Back in the day BM was best for solo leveling whatcha got for me?
I prefer Marks personally. Especially with Aimed shot being added at such a low level.

Send pet -> Aimed Shot -> dead mob -> Rinse, repeat.

With Rapid Killing & Rapid Recuperation the only downtime you need is for looting. Very easy leveling, haha.
with Aim shot +60% critting and chimera the mobs kinda die off the bat but sometimes you wait on the chimera shot so you dont need to run so far to loot :0)
Marks for high levels definitely. For the times Aimed+Chimera doesnt kill something right away, Ill just use a Steady+Arcane.

Im still dualspecd to BM just for the cooler pets though, but I mainly stick to MM(Ill probably swap to Surv soon to get some practice with the spec though).
I was about to make the same thread glad i looked before i did. Can anyone post a leveling MM cookie-cutter build? And what kind of pet would be the best?
Acien, i think i have the cookie cutter leveling build.

With Mobs dieing so quickly, use whatever pet you want ... no need for a tank pet specifically
Ahh ok thanks. Yea i been using a bear, the AOE stomp comes in handy when you pull more then one mob and he has over 16khealth so i really like him. To bad we not the same faction and server would be fun to level with another hunter.

What I want and don't want

I wanted to put this in the feedback, but it hit it's limit.

What I want: Dual-wielding ranged weapons (Pistols) and training manuals to allow us to train our pets with rare skills, spells and abilities.

Take out: Minimum range x1000
Your entire post is wrong.

We need none of that crap. What we really need are Jetpacks.

BM pvp spec...?

hey was just wondering what the best pvp spec is for bm if you could help me out please.
You can follow my BM spec..If you need me to explain why i spec'd into one thing or another just pst me

what class should i make

i stopped playing my warrior main after patch 4.0.6, lowest speed reduction in game, no burst anymore, no nuthin. So i made this hunter, i also have a death knight, but i cannot decide what class should be my main, i was also thinkin of rogue or shaman or mage, which i have decked out heirlooms for. please, help me pick a class and why i should play it, i like my hunter btw, but what should i make as my next character?
....Why are you asking us?
Are you adverse to melee classes and or casters? (lol why am i asking hunters are casters)

Aspect swap macro lag issue

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast Steady Shot

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Arcane Shot

These are examples of my swap macro. It seems there is a break switching from hawk to fox, so I need to press steady shot twice for it to go off when running (it works perfectly fine when standing still)
Instead of trying to incorporate a macro to swap aspects with your shots just use a separate macro.
/cast Aspect of the Hawk
/cast Aspect of the Fox
The above macro is simple, and more importantly, will instantly change between the two aspects; choosing the top one first if you aren't in either. Changing aspects aren't on the GCD but on their separate one. That is why this method is better as it doesn't impede with your shots. Hope this helps.

The flaw in pvp

Whilst I believe there is more wrong with hunter pvp than detterence, this post will focus only on detterence.

What if detterence cleared all slowing effects, not dots if that is too OP but just slowing effects or how about whilst detterence is active slowing effects are negated then once detterence ends they are back?

This is the deal right now:

Hunter pops detterence more than likely the hunter has some sort of slow on him. So lets say hunter pops detterence and lays down trap-trap goes off and let us assume all hunters are specced into entrapment. So trap goes off and we actually hold the prey for 4seconds, sounds good right? 4 seconds is plenty of time to grag some distance, unforantley however the hunter was slowed and in those 4 seconds because of the slow you get barely any distance. Basically unless your facing a ret pally or a fire mage, boomking (every see them in pvp?) you will be slowed and detterence really doesnt do much.

And lets not get started on disengage, for every disengage there is a charge, feral charge, blink , shadow step, heroic leap etc...

Asking blizz if detterence is suppose to "deter" us from getting melee trained can we at least do it better?
That's what Master's Call is for.
That is true but i dont think Master's call is good enough if pet is dead, off fighting something else etc...or perhaps i just need better pet control

Hunter Fixes:

Gonna get straight into it, we already know Hunter representation is low and blah blah.
I did some BM and Survival PvP, and have been MM since forever so I'll talk about some things that could really be changed for the Hunter class.

Starting with BM, Survival, MM, and finishing off with general Hunter changes.

I went ahead and bolded the most important changes, because I'm not going to lie.. some of these things are more of a "wish-list".

Beast Mastery:
Improved Kill Command: Improves critical strike chance of Kill Command by 5/10%.
-Change to reduce the cost by 5/10 focus.
-Remove the Kill Command glyph.

Cobra Strikes: You have a 5/10/15% chance when you hit with Arcane Shot to makes your pets next 2 basic attack be a critical hit.
-Change to give it a 5/10/15% chance to make your next Kill Command a crit.

Killing Streak: When you deal two Kill Command crits in a row, your next Kill Command will deal 10/20% more damage and have it's cost reduce by 5/10 focus.
-Don't change this. Simply, MAKE THE DURATION OF THIS FROM 7 SECONDS TO 15 SECONDS. When this buff is activated, Kill Command will still be on cooldown. The CD on KC is 6 seconds, meaning we have only 1 freaking second to get use of this buff.

Hunter vs. Wild: Increase your stamina by 5/10/15%.
-Change to reduce all damage taken by 2/4/6% and increase stamina by 3/6/9%.

Counterattack: is a piece of !@#$.
-Change it to where our Raptor Strike will put our target into a 5 second root. Increases the damage of raptor strike by 50% (it's soooooo weak right now, does litterally like 3k damage). 45 second CD.

Black Arrow:
-Change it to make this undispellable. This is our 31 point talent and it can be dispelled by so many classes. It's down right a slap in the face.

Now to Marksman:
Efficiency: Reduces the cost of arcane shot by 1/2/3, explosive shot and chimera shot by 2/4/6.
-Change it to reduce the cost of Chimera Shot and Explosive shot by 8/15. (both cost 50 untalented).

Improved Steady Shot: Casting two steady shots back to back increase your ranged attack speed by 15% for 8 seconds.
-Change it so Cobra Shot benefits from this. Increase duration to 12 seconds.

Piercing Shots: Your critical Aimed Shot, Chimera Shot, and Steady Shot (should also be Cobra Shot) cause 10/20/30% of its damage over 8seconds as a physical dot.
-Change so it's 10/20/30% of its damage over 4 seconds.

Resistance is Futile: When your marked target attempts to run, flee or move, you have a 4% chance to cause your next Kill Command on the marked target within 8 sec to refund the Focus cost.
-Change this entirely. Kill Command doesn't belong in the MM tree. Give it a 8/15% chance when you hit with arcane shot to make your next Chimera Shot a critical strike. 8 second duration.

(our "burst" comes from chimera shot crits, and if it doesn't crit we're pretty weak. This would honestly help so much.)

Master Marksman: You have a 20/40/60% chance when you Steady Shot to gain the Master Marksman effect, lasting 30 sec. After reaching 5 stacks, your next Aimed Shot's cast time and focus cost are reduced by 100% for 10 sec.
-Change it to a 33/66/100% chance when you Steady or Cobra shot to gain the buff. Make it stack to 8. RNG = bad. problem solved. (I've had a stack of 4 with over 5 steady shots not procing one. Yes, this has actually happened numerous times.)

(again, the RNG on this is very annoying. It would help a lot to have.)

General Hunter Changes:
Focus regen is extremely slow, and casting back to back steady shots is nearly impossible in pvp.
-Change from 4 focus a second to 6 focus per second.
-Change steady/cobra shot cast speed from 2seconds to 1.4 seconds.

-Merge Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Fox. You can name it whatever you want.
-(4) piece pvp set bonus is 5% extra focus. That's a WHOPPING 0.20 extra focus per second! At that rate, I can get off an extra Arcane Shot in just a short 110 seconds (1min, 50sec)! Change it so (4) piece reduces disarm duration by 60%, just like the warrior set.
^ will let us enchant 130agi to our weapons.
-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.
-Ice Trap: keep it the same, seperate CD from freezing trap. Change it so it will go off when the next person walks over it, or it will automatically arm itself after 5 seconds of nobody walking over it. GG problem solved. wasn't hard.
-Snake Trap: remove deadly poison from this. It does like 30 damage. Litterally.
-Chimera Shot: Make the heal from 5% to 9%.
We all know what is wrong.

We all give a lot of ragtag, unique ideas to fixing the class. If a group of hunters who kinda know what the hell is going on can't agree on how to fix hunters, how could you expect the Devs to fix this class that they don't believe exists?
I agree with MOST of the changes, but a few are a bit off.
For ex.
-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.

Hunters have 1 CC, aswell as a short silence or stun depending on spec. What do other classes have? Mages have polly and deep and imp. CS. Warlocks, Coil, Fear and Spell Lock, aswell as UA, etc etc.
Notice: We have one of the lowest amounts of CC, and 90 seconds for our single CC is too long. Sure, a freezing arrow is fine, but it should not have a longer cooldown to compensate, every other class can cast it directly onto the target at no cost.
I suggest that if it is going to be turned into a targeted move, that instead of increasing the cooldown, make it DR with Scatter, So we can use scatter as an actual means of peeling melee off ourselves, rather than a setup for a CC.
I agree with most of this.

-Merge Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Fox. You can name it whatever you want.

Name it "Aspect of the Lynx"

-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.

90 seconds is too long. Make it 60 seconds.

EDIT: Concussive Shot cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
I also would like a TARGETED form of cc as well. :)
lol forget that 90 second crap make it 30 seconds and let me keep scatter trap i want that and freezing arrow i dont see a problem with that. :D
No name it aspect of the dragonhawk :) wait didnt we already have that? aspect of hawk and aspect of monkey combined and they took it out cause it was too powerfull so they wont ever combine fox and hawk that would be even more OP.But si nce this is a WISH list i agree with everything :)
Deleted by Eveninglite

Call Pet problem

Has anyone else had this problem? Every once in awhile my call pet bar won't have any pets in it or will only have one pet in it.

For example, I was camping Jadefire and dismissed my pet and then logged off and went to bed. When I logged on, my npcscan went off and I tried to tame it. ::facepalm:: Can't tame it till 85 so I had to kill it or be killed. However, when I tried to call a pet no pets came up in my stable just two whistles. I have 4 pets stabled with me so I'm not sure what's wrong.

I tried logging out then I tried exiting the game and neither of those worked. Finally, I went back to the stable master and as soon as I clicked on "I'd like to stable my pets here" all four pets in my mini stable showed up.

Is this a bug? This has only started showing up recently.
my pet's action bar doesnt show up when i dismount with my pet

it miiigghtt be a bug
my pet's action bar doesnt show up when i dismount with my pet

it miiigghtt be a bug

^_^ Pretty irritating having to dismiss it then resummon constantly.
my pet's action bar doesnt show up when i dismount with my pet

it miiigghtt be a bug

That's been happening a lot to me too. It's getting irritating. :::pets favorite bear:::

BM exotic tank pet

I didn't want to necro a pre-cata thread on this, so here goes.
I've been working my way through some of the old raid and dungeon content and for the most part I've had very few problems and most of those are with mechanics. That being said I would really like it if the BM spec could get an exotic tanking pet that would have better self heals or better/more defensive CD' so that they could hold up longer. Aggro really isn't a problem with glyphed MD.
What are all of your thoughts on the matter?



That is not a tanking pet. That is a spirit cat masquerading as a bear.
Turtle. BM or not.
Jadefang is a rare "exotic" tank pet with that gives you a Paladin buff...that good enough?
WTB basilisks
I have a beetle, I have a arcturis. What I want is a combination of the two. If I can't do good enough dps for current tier raids, I want to be able to go back and solo older tiers.
I personally prefer BM for soloing. Before going any further:

MM is essential for fights you aren't beating an enrage timer since it has a higher dps. It also is essential when bandages, feign death, LoS isn't good enough for self heals. Some mechanics will target you no matter what and if you're dying you'll need to go to MM. There will be encounters where a spirit beast will be a fine tank for you but chimera is just simply better.

BM side you have 4 great options for pets:

1. Worm - Acid spit helps with t5 healing, a ranged attack to pick off flyers, and is just a beast. The aggro dropping burrow attack isn't all useful for you but you could make use of it if you want your pet to drop aggro. It's my #1 choice for serious soloing.

2. Shale spider - This is my lazy pet. The nice thing about him is the web for trash or just starting dps faster. It's a free kings so I don't have to use drums. This is my current pet I mostly use for lazy soloing where consumables aren't required and I'm just doing the "rounds".

3. Turtle - Rarely use him. The longetivity helps with quicker growls, shorter CDs on shell and cower, and can use BW as a 3rd defensive cd with t5. At a minute per it really is a great talent.

4. Spirit beast - This is just for fights where there is no option of pet dying but you need help healing.
Get 2pc t5. problem solllllved.
BM pets already survive longer than other specs, what's the problem?

Shale spider is your exotic tenacity, it provides a pretty nice buff already.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

All you YouTube fans, I'm in need!

In need of your eyes!
...and, well, a few minutes of your time! For you see, I have created a video!

I'd really appreciate it if you guys watched it and let me know what you think. I'm fine with constructive criticism, but don't be blatantly rude for no reason.
Thank you ^-^

Hunter gear question

My hunter is not my main and I really don't know all that much about them but I still like to gear her up with heroics. This is her below.

I finally got enough VP to get T12 chest, legs, and hands. However I heard if you brake your 4PC T11 you actually will lose dps if only replacing 3 pieces. So my question is should I get the 3, tier 12 pieces or keep my 4pc T11?

PvP Burst

I'm looking for help on setting up my burst in pvp. I just started do 2s just to get practice and I can't seem to get any burst in their. Like my dmg is really low when trying to take out healers or do anything for that matter. In bgs I seem to go great like wiley coyote and can hardly be killed. I'm just looking for any facts that can help me
2s is a really bad bracket for hunters. Pool your focus and try to hit chimera on every cooldown and follow up with several arcane shots, save cooldowns for kill opportunities and long cc chains. Aimed Shot / Chimera shot combo is your friend on cloth/leather opponents.

2s is just a really terrible bracket for hunters (and in general). You really won't kill anything without some sort of incredibly long cc chain or luck with rng.

How to PVP BM?

Any guides, tips, or rotations?

Thanks a ton,

Did you even try?

Pet ability Prowl

Recently ive been trying to collect a few cool looking cat pets but when I tame one it goes into Prowl straight away and I cant get it back out. I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it, even change specs then re do the pets talent tree but nothing seems to work. It happens to every cat pet I tame and I was wondering if this happens to anyone else??
Its rather frustrating and I end up having to abandon the pet :|
help anyone??
right click prowl so there is no dotted line going around the ability and have him break stealth by attacking
haha cant believe I didnt think of that :P
thanks heaps!
Yeah, it's a major bug. I've brought it up in a ticket, and they said they're going to look into it (the GM I spoke to didn't believe me at first and was telling me bogus advice. I kept trying to tell him that the ONLY thing that removes the stealth is to make sure the pet doesn't auto-stealth, and then put the pet into make it attack a critter or a training dummy....and if I don't do that, and just try to click on the stealth ability, it says something stupid like "you can't do that right now"....finally he "gave up" and said he'll have Quality Assurance look into it...)....but that was a while ago, and considering that you've posted this recently, it means that they still haven't fixed it....maybe they're waiting to bring in the fix in 4.3, which kinda sucks....OR maybe they still haven't tested it, because they didn't believe me.... The bug also affects Spirit Beasts BTW, not just cats.
Facepalming so hard now.
Unfortunately it's a bug that's been around since cataclysm. It's gotten to the point where I tame a cat and hope there's a critter near by for me to have it attack so that I can get it out of prowl. Until it's fixed, ie the twelfth of never, we will just have to live with not being able to use prowl for our pets unless there's something nearby for it to attack and pull it out of stealth again.
disabling auto-stealth, dismissing and summoning works too.

handy for when you don't have anything you can sic your cat on.

edit: whup, doesn't work like that anymore.
Yes, I've tried taking off auto-stealth, then dismissing/re-summoning (this was one of the bogus pieces of advice our friendly GM gave to me) It doesn't work....I've tried it repeatedly and to no effect. The only thing that takes it permanently out of stealth (assuming that you've already turned off auto-stealth) is to have it attack something (like a rat by the tram in Ironforge (best critter to do it on, because it's a guarantee that your pet will get into combat with those rats (sometimes it doesn't work with other's weird like that...), or a target dummy, probably your best option).

Focus Fire

I have a question for the BM hunters that PvP a lot. Is the Focus Fire talent mando?
Dear god yes why would you not pick it up?
I have seen some specs on guides that say it's not mando but I wanted to see what you guys say before going for such a spec.
I dont take it, its really situational though. From a raw dps view its actually a net loss by consuming your pets frenzy effect. If youre on a crap map for hunters like ring of valor, sewers, or ruins , then it can be nice to take focus fire when your pets spending a half hour pathing around the map.

Just pick it up, but only use it situationally.

Ok thank you guys.

what u can do with your characters....

i think you should be able to change your char the way u want, like make the breast bigger or smaller and how skinny, ect. and depending on your hair like if its long or in a pony tail or in a braid u should be able to move it and play with it like irl now if u want a dif hair style like the briaded loops for NEs then u would have to go to the barbar shop but if u want to braid or or fishtail braid or put it in a pony tail u should be bale to do that right then and there on your own.
and the hair should move like irl.... just sayin.... lol this would be good for the next patch or w/e ZD

From: Virstan

Drop t11, go BM?

I was messing around with FD and noticed if I drop all my t11 and go BM I gained 1200 dps. Any thoughts? Anyone having any success with BM atm?
i heard about this too on
Deleted by Chargrilled

Aspect dancing macro issues. Need help!!!!!!

For a long time I have been using aspect dancing macros for cobra shots and things like that. some examples are as follows.

#showtooltip aimed shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast aimed shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

For aimed shot

#showtooltip Arcane shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/targetenemy [noexists, noharm, dead]
/stopmacro [noexists, noharm, dead]
/cast arcane shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

For arcane shot

#showtooltip cobra shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the fox, null
/cast cobra shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

For cobra shot

#showtooltip steady shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the fox, null
/cast steady shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

For steady shot

#showtooptip chimera shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/targetenemy [noexists, noharm, dead]
/stopmacro [noexists, noharm, dead]
/cast chimera shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

For chimera shot

These are just some examples, and the issue basiclly is, most of the time these work perfectly. MOST OF THE TIME. Sometimes, ill be stuck in aspect of the hawk trying to spam steady shots while taking damage but doing none, or notice I'm still in fox while casting an aimed shot or firing off arcane shots. This occurs once in a blue moon.

For me, that is too often, and unacceptable.

Is there anything, and i mean ANYTHING wrong with these macros? Or is the hunter class' clunky design and buggy downfalls getting the better of me? Maybe the aspect switching has some sort of internal CD or something that can get out of sync with my shots?
(also I posted this yesterday but cant seem to search it because of some website errors. Thanks blizz.)

Would like any advice you can give.

I notice it most often when i transition into an aimed shot right after casting a steady or when i try to steady shot and i fail to change aspects. Notice it seldom but still occasionally occurs with other shots.
Here's a link to an older thread about aspect changing macro issues with Steady Shot and Aimed Shot. From what you're experiencing it sounds like it might still apply.

Sounds to me like you need better spam control. What I mean by that is, spamming the macros/shots to fast will sometimes make them stick. I know its tough but spamming Arcane 6 times while your waiting on steady may mess up the Hawk GCD.

I changed the macro for Fox/Hawk to:

/castsequence reset=2 !Aspect of the fox, null

reset=2 seems to help a bit.

In addition have you tried using action bar swaps? Following link shows you how to set it up.

Bottom line I think spam control may be your problem. Its tough when you really need that shot but addons like Serenity really help control your nerves by showing you a steady shot timer. Aspect GCD is the issue, at least in my case, and spam control has been the answer for me.

Hope I didn't babble on about something you aren't talking about. If I did this won't make any sense to you. If I got it right I hope it helps.
No, its fine. I appreciate it, thanks :D. But yea, spam is something im gonna be doing. When it comes to killing people and the difference is the shot getting off before the heal, it's unavoidable.
so i may try using 2 instead of 1.
for my macros i just do
for example:

#showtooltip steady shot
/cast !aspect of the fox
/cast steady shot

and then the same thing except with hawk for my damaging shots.

It seems to work well about 99% of the time and rarely will mess up maybe due to some ms lagg or maybe its a bug idk but its still gonna be kinda clunky regardless of the macros used.

i wish that blizzard would jus make it so aspects dont have their own GCD thats seperate from other abilities cus that would take away the clunkiness.
I found stance macros clunky. Since they have their own gcd I just bound my f keys to the different aspects and can manually switch at ease.

How was your day? :)

Hehe thought this might relieve some tension/worries of the possibly negative future.

Got my helm off Shannox, bow from Rag, ring off Beth, and upgraded to 4 pc! Really nice raid night. Guild also finally went back and did our ICC achievements so I get me a not-so-fancy anymore drake!

So, how was your day? Anything exciting? :O
We killed H:Shannox for the first time and I got pantz :D
Good. I'm 1 piece away from full BiS.
My guild's working on getting crap together and I decked around in arenas, got conquest capped and got a nice new belt. Then got a migraine and took a nap before going to BH and downing Argaloth, but then the mage QQ'd about how we "wasted his time" when TB preparations began, despite us fully planning to go right back after the battle. Then went off and decimated BGs on an alt, now farming honor heirlooms to make her even better. Now waiting for firelands trash or BWD tomorrow.

Then my mom came over and brought me donuts and that was awesome.

So pretty good.
caught gondria, loque'nahak, magria and skoll today so i gotta say not a bad day at all =)

Hunter PVP Fun

Hunter PVP Is fun all the way until

Level 85

that is all

Synapse Springs

So I'm an engineer, been using the Synapse Springs (+480 AGI/10 seconds, 1 min cooldown) for a while now, but got to wondering. Should I be using them every time they're up, or wait to drop it as part of my bloodlust cooldown drop?
You should use it whenever it is up. When you do the math it works out to be the +80 stat of other classes. I would just macro it in with steady/cobra shot since you will be spamming those all the time. Other options are with Arcane and Aimed.
I have mine macored with my Blood Fury Racial. Then I have Rapid Fire macroed with the agility trinket. The agility trinket shares the same usage duration CD of the springs. Therefore they cant be used together.

my scatter trap macro

#showtooltips Scatter Shot
/cancelaura Deterrence
/castsequence [target=mouseover, harm][harm] reset=3 Scatter Shot, Trap Launcher, !Freezing Trap

work as a mouseover and if u do not have a mouseover target, it will scatter whichever u are on.

Press ONCE if u only want to scatter.

SPAM or press 3 times and you should be able to get your green circle at where u all pointing.

If your scatter fails to pull off, the macro wouldnt cast the launching and trap.

hope u all like it
I love it
I'm not a fan of mousover scatter but this macro is great as it saves a keybind or two.

For those wanting a scatter focus of this it would be /castsequence [target=focus] reset=3 Scatter Shot, Trap Launcher, !Freezing Trap

Today I Learned...

You can't deterrence through Nalorakk's surge.

8% magic debuff from pets

Am I correct in assuming this increases the damage of the hunter's magic abilities such as chimera shot and black arrow?
Yes, and explosive shot as well.
can you please link this debuff?
its on wind serpents and dragon hawks.

Class feedback - Hunter

What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]

If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroic, raids, quest, solo old content.

If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
Disapearing pet ontrol bar.
Flying pet no following u around on flying mounts (like all pet in mounts when u arent flying (that was a cool adition btw)).
No more arrows showing in the bow.

What makes playing your class more fun?
Solo capabilitie.
Pet (to a degree).
Ranged fisical dmg delaer.
Not worring about pesky interrupts.

What makes playing your class less fun?
Heavy dependance on pet.
Crapy melee capabilities.
That SV dosent have anything to, u know, survive.
Camuflaje on a 1 min CD, its not fun sneaking ur way in but having to wait to sneak out.

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
At the correct haste levels good, however if its not good it can lead to some GCD with 3 things to push and GCD with nothing in them, that leads to pushing some other useless abilitie wasting focus adn a GCD.

What’s on your wish list for your class?
-More pets.
-Tameable mounts.
-Ammo, not in the old way, but as a costum added grafical efect. I liked how iceblade arrow have that cool frosty blue aura on the tip, it looked good as u see them in bow/crosboow, flying and in the corpses of gnomes, errr - enemies. It added a cool efect on ranged weapons (u caold have enegenniers make this again for frost looking arros or fire or lightning or waht ever). Note: no added dmg to this.
-Correction on the BE female animation while holding a bow, the arrows look like its gona fall off the bow, the alineation is all wrong.
-Correction on the BE female animation while holding a crossbow, it look like 6 years old child, holding the stock beneath the arm pit pressing with the elbow agains the torax; it should be pushing againts the shoulder for better acurracy and withstand the recoil of the xbow.
-Scrap the "exotic" pet type.
-Instead of BM having exotic pet and 4 extra talentes for pets have them control 2 pets at a time (with maybe the extra 4 talente points) with dmg and everything balanced of course, that would really be a BM.
-No more guns, they polute and add to Azerothing warming.
-The capabilitie of changing the buff/debuff the pets make do with another pet.
-More potent (dmg) traps.
-Change black arrow shadow dmg with a lightning dmg (because shadow dmg dosent really fit a hunter).
-A bow ranged, DW melee, DW tanking, horde only class; (Sylvanas dark ranger corps fit this perfectly), balanced in the ally side by a warcraft 3 demon hunter type class (ranged, melee, tanking class) to keep both sides equal (like NE demonhunter supervised by druids and paladins to ensure non of em go wacko again), in essence same class with diferen lore just to sipce up the game. (hunter and shaman gear fill in the gear requeriments with talents to tweak what kind of role will the user fullfill).

What spells do you use the least?
Widow venom.
Inmolation trap.
Snake trap.

Cobra/Steady on the PTR.

The cast time of the shots are 1.5 BUT the hidden cast times are still there.

So what i am saying is the cast completes in 1.5 seconds but the shot is not fired off till a half second later.

and it seems like the .5 is on all attacks seems really sloppy now attacking does not seem Fluid at all. It seems to only happen when you are chaining shots together they seem to get pushed further and further back.

Who thinks this will get through to live.

Pet Talents

I recently tamed a crocolisk, where should I put the talent points?
Did you know you can type /s to ask people things in game? Or there's google too...FYI.

Too much haste?

I have a hunter who is at 17.13% haste and spec'd into 3/3 Pathing. im telling him he needs to be at 12.93 but is there anything really bad with having that much haste?

Say no to change keep hunters in the gutter!

The new dev mantra is " people don't like to many changes," in other words this means we will keep hunters in the gutter for along time... That isn't really my vote but concerning pvp I think that's what they mean. They obviously want to keep hunters down and now they can pretend to have a good reason
wtf r u talking about?

is there a pair of boots matches S1 arena set

The only one I could find is fiend slayer's boots, but the color looks a little bit different (well it matchs demon stalkers). However I love the color of S1 gladiator better. : / Anyone has suggestion about this?
These somewhat favor the S1 set I think:

Or most of the "chain sabaton's" boots look similar:

Arrested Development

Soooo ... this is pretty funny for me.

I'm just getting into lvling this hunter. Tried one on the ptr once, and really enjoyed Surv. So I put surv as my ms. I decided, once I ding'd 30, that I'd make Mark my os.

Now, when I was in Surv, I was pulling tops. Partially cause I'm competent enough to use a hunter, and also in part thanks to my heirlooms ( =D ). So, I tried Mark in a dungeon.

I hit the roof with my deeps.

50% of the dps was mine, and that was without even trying all that hard. 60% when I felt like getting complex. It was so high that I just kept pulling and pulling all the mobs, kitting them around like a madman. A rogue in the group got butt hurt cause he was bad, and kept asking for me to be kicked cause I was pulling every mob off the tank.

I'm at a crossroads.

I really enjoy Mark, and I look forward to using it in tandem with Surv during endgame. But I don't want to dumb down my gameplay and slow the run down cause I'm pulling so much aggro.

tl;dr, Marks is boss and it's pulling aggro like a beast. Help a hunter out =\
Deleted by Jasmína
Yeah, I like that show too.
FD on cooldown if you got that many aggro issues misdirect is a long was off (lvl 74 i think), its part of your job to control how much aggro you get.
use Omen addon and when you see your about to pull off the tank either FD or back down the dps till the tank gets it under control.
What's best to do till Misdirect is to get omen and feign death before you pull aggroe. Dropping all the aggroe and then you can go beating on em again.

Survival Vs MM

I am fairly new to 85 (3 days ago) and have been both MM and SV while raiding , however I have an issue. My connection has lag spikes and it occasionally throws off my rotation. I recently got my tier 11 bonus and I am deciding how to reforge for SV or MM.

My question, SV or MM for a connection that spikes at times for raiding.
Sounds good, now looking at your profile you havent stacked haste very much, what haste plateau should I be aiming for? When I reforge.
Do you raid 10 mans or 25 mans? Do you have someone giving the +10 melee/ranged haste buff in the group? If not, SV is better than MM in a 10 man setting.
MM is better for both if i'm this website is correct.
10 Man, we have the haste.
Then go MM.

Just how beautiful the hunter community is.

I just tamed my Deth'tilac! Now I'm not here to brag about it but I'm here to tell you guys how it happened. I first saw 3 allied hunters attempting it again and again the old fashioned kiting way, of course from a pvp realm I'm from I stood back and all I did was /luck /cheer when I had the chance to attempt I went for it. As I started more and more allies came in and started helping me kite the beautiful spider while I kept sacrificing my pet over and over again till I finally tamed it! I'm just saying, I wish people who keep ninja taming and such stop doing so because you never know when the least expected ones come and help you :)
Humm, I saw 5 horde trying to tame it. Two of the horde payed me 500g to kill the other 3. After I got my mail I killed the other 2 by punting the hunter off the edge with a rhino. I then kited deth to the blue area and tamed him.

The moral of the story is: Kill more horde.
The usage of beautiful here is distracting I must admit.
I saw an Alliance guy trying to tame Skarr.

Failed twice.

I laughed.

I tamed him and left.

It was beautiful.

Spell Pen gems

Hey guys. I am trying to get some spell pen on my CHar. Im in 2v2 1500s and even as a BM i think ill need Spell pen.

At the moment i have the 70 spell pen back enchant, but i cant find any cata spell pen gems.
Stormy Ocean Sapphire - +50 Spell Pen

Thank you :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Critique my MM guide please!

I've updated the MM guide at my nerdblog, you can find it here:

I'd love any criticism or suggestions you may have for me. I've tried to write it to be as friendly as possible for the brand-new hunter, but it's also maybe gotten a little bit bloated as the expansion has continued.

Any thoughts appreciated!

Tier 2 - Dragonstalker

Forever 6/8

Edit: I'm currently equipped in my tier.
Gloves and belt.
It's.... weird. Your gear shows the Dragonstalker, but it... it's completely not in appearance. o.o

Also, ah... good luck on that belt. !@#$ing Vaelastrasz was the last one to fork over my 8th piece. At least you have 3 shots per lockout on the gloves. And, if nothing else, once you get the gloves, you don't have to go too far in the raid to find out if you got your last piece.

(Also horde that Elementium and whatnot)
Got the belt today.. oh well.. here's to countless more weeks of farming!

It took me forever to be my boots but I have 8/8 now.

Hey guys about 5.0

If you guys read at all you would know there gonna show our ranged weapons on our back with an ammo pouch on our waist or a quiver on our back.

Back after 7 months. BM Help.

It's been too long and I have forgotten most things.

BM is my favorite spec, but I seem to be running out of focus all the time, so I have to be doing it wrong.

What is the "rotation" or priority shots for a BM in PVE?
Kill command, Sting, arcane shot, cobra shot, cobra shot, kill command, arcane shot

Cobra shot refreshes serpent sting, and it regens focus..that is about the only way you will get focus to attack

it pretty much sucks and there is no clear cut rotation, just priority kill command.

Sometimes it will seem like you are cobra shotting, just to kill command every 6 seconds

Sometimes it will seem like you are cobra shotting, just to kill command every 6 seconds

this is by far the greatest thing ive read on these forums in a year

but yes. for bm you want to keep kill command on cooldown, cobra shot to make sure you can do that, and arcane shot when your current focus and incoming focus combine to exceed the cost of kill command

then you have to use your cooldowns, but those are easy enough to figure out. rapid fire outside of bestial wrath, don't cobra shot during bestial wrath, use focus fire on cooldown, use fervor on cooldown as soon as you won't exceed 110 focus by using it
That sounds easy enough.

Will my damage in heroics (when I get there) we ok enough as BM? Heroics are all I'll ever do. I don't have time to raid.

Resurrecting old character

Hello all. I've respec'd to a (hopefully) viable build and am asking advice on what kind of rotation I should use at my current level to contribute to random dungeons. I'll most likely quest a bit, but prefer to level via instances. I've played this character a bit and am a bit lost as to what my priorities evidence by a couple of very poor performances as far as DPS is concerned.

I'm not worried about being the 'top dog' or any such nonsense, just want to be a solid contributer. Any advice would be most welcome.

I'm aware my gear is most likely garbage by the way. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Eagle's Eye breaks Camo

Camouflage, while awesome in concept, has left me cold. Hell, I cannot even use it to walk through Auchindoun for my daily Ravenlord run and not aggro those guards. Figured the 14 level difference and camo would work, but NOOOoooo.

Unless I am missing something.

But, yeah, you would think you could use eagle eye while in camo.

I need right MEOW! I'm org how am i supposed to snipe afkers when i can't scout for them :(

Hotkey help - please?


I've had many hunters in the past, it's all i played in vanilla! i made this new guy from scratch with my partner (RAF) and holy cra.... my fingers are killing me!

I'm all over the place right now, i have hotkeys everywhere and it's starting to drive me insane.

I was wondering if i could get some advice? what keys do you use for your traps? what button do u press to activate the launcher? where are your stances hotkeyed? i'm going to list my hotkeys and what each of them do and i'm hoping someone takes the time to read them all and give me some advice.

I have 1 rule... never let go of the mouse or use the mouse to activate an ability. I refuse to click and i refuse to let go of the mouse, that's one thing i promised myself.

Anyways... it's long :\


WASD+QE = movement, i don't backpedal but i don't want to hotkey S...feels weird. I strafe using Q and E but sometimes A and D.. so i can't hotkey those.


1 = Steady Shot / Cobra Shot (Beast spec only)
2 = Concussive Shot
3 = Serpent Sting
4 = Arcane Shot
5 = Scatter Shot
R = Will of the Forsaken
` = PvP Trinket

Alt 1 = Hunters Mark
Alt 2 = Masters Call
Alt 3 = Chimera Shot / Kill Command (beast spec only)
Alt 4 = Aimed shot / Focus Fire (beast spec only)
Alt 5 = Multi Shot

Shift 1 = Aspect of the Fox
Shift 2 = Aspect of the Hawk
Shift 3 = Aspect of the Cheetah
Shift 4 = Readiness / Bestial Wrath (beast spec only)
Shift 5 = Mend Pet
Shift E = Rapid Fire
Shift C = Distracting Shot
Shift W = Camouflage
Shift F = Scare Beast
Shift D = Misdirection
Shift + Space = Disengage

Ctrl 1 = Raptor Strike (lol)
Ctrl 2 = Wingclip
Ctrl 3 = Feign Death
Ctrl 4 = Kill Shot
Ctrl + Space = Deterrence

Middle Mouse = Send Pet
Mouse 5 = Send Pet Back
Mouse 4 = Flare

Shift + Middle Mouse = Tranquilizing Shot
Shift + Mouse 4 = Silencing Shot
Shift + Mouse 5 = Widow Venom

Now here's the annoying part.. which I'm not happy with.

Ctrl + Mousewheel up
Ctrl + Middle Mouse = Frost Trap
Ctrl + Mouse 4 = Freezing Trap
Ctrl + Mouse 5 = Snake Trap
Ctrl + Mousewheel left = Immolation Trap
Ctrl + Mousewheel right = Explosive Trap


Thank you! i appreciate any feedback and i would live to see what some of you are using for your hotkeys, especially those PvP-must hotkeys for your traps/stances/etc.


Arrow up- Up
Arrow down- Down
Arrow left- Strafe Left
Arrow right- Strafe Right

Numpad= all crucial Damage abilities.

Num 1- Arcane shot
Num2- Raptor Strike
Num3- Hunter's Mark
Num4- Serpent Sting
Num5- Scatter shot
Num6- Multi Shot
Num7- Concussive Shot
Num8- Steady Shot
Num9- Chimera Shot
Num/- Cobra shot
Num*- Freezing trap
Num- Aimed Shot
Num+ Trap launcher
Num0- Jump

The 6 Keys above the arrow keys are defensive abilities and aspects.

Delete- Disengage
End- Master's call
Page down- Feign death
Home- Aspect of the cheetah
Insert- Aspect of the Fox
Page up- Aspect of the Hawk

The mouse should only be used for longer cool down abilities. You want your mouse to be dedicated to movement, so you can kite more efficiently, and not main abilities like arcane shot, steady shot etc.

Middle mouse button- Ice trap
Mouse wheel back- Deterrence
Side mouse button 1- Target nearest player
Side mouse button 2- Pvp Trinket
Mouse wheel up- Freeze trap/ trap launcher macro

The keys to the left of the arrow keys can be set to spec specific abilities or main abilities that have a short cool down. Your pet abilities could be set here as well.

Enter- Kill shot
\- Silencing shot
Backspace- Flare
]- Snake trap
'- Pet attack
[ -Pet return
/- Tranquilizing shot
Period- Mount
Semi colon- Auto run

All long cooldowns are set to shift and alt keys. And pet abilities. Also any ability that is not used every fight can be set to a shift key like scare beast or dismiss pet.

Shift delete- Rapid Fire
Shift end- Dps Trinket
Shift Page down- Blood fury (dps racial)
Shift insert- Roar of sacrifce
Shift home- Aspect of the Pack
Shift page up- Intervene
Ctrl delete- Glove tinker
Ctrl end- Belt tinker
Ctrl Page down- equip/use Rocket boots xtreme
shift middle mouse button-Parachute
ctrl enter- summon pet 1
ctrl slash- summon pet 2
ctrl Backspace- summon pet 3
Shift slash- Scare beast
Shift arrow key up- Dismiss pet
Shift arrow key right- Eagle eye
Shift arrow key down- Immolation trap

Grouping similar hot keys into their own sections is the key to this hot key layout. It makes it much easier to learn and once mastered i believe it to beat WSAD hot key layouts. WSAD is too clumped together. This layout gives you the ability to press all of your main abilities within the reach of one finger( your pointer finger ). Your movement is reserved to your ring finger, middle finger and pinky, and sometimes your pointer finger can take the place of your middle finger at the strafe right hot key.

This layout is setup with Kiting efficiency and PVP in mind. This layout works for PvE but I would not say its optimal for it.

Couple of hunter questions.... bear with me?


I recently started on another world where some more irl friends of mine are. After trying warrior and mage, I chose hunter due to their fame as a solo class, and their very speedy leveling. I chose a troll as my race, since a bow bonus, coupled with an enrage dps increase, and not to mention the famous experience bonus for killing beasts seems just too godly to me. My goal is to level to 85 within a reasonable time, and get some heirlooms to make the mage and warrior alts easier to use. I tried marksmanship, but aimed shot seemed just too slow for me. Respecced into survival and loved explosive shot every bit as much as I loved it on my allie hunter.

I pvp a LOT. I had a human hunter on the alliance, and even without BoA's I still put arrows through anything that moved until they ceased said movement with little trouble. However, on this toon (DK) in BG's, when I spot an opposing hunter I don't think "oh boy pointy things in my heart", but more "oh boy a free KB". Sadly this turns out to be the case. Its a matter of mere deathgrip, my CoI root, and he is toast.

On my troll I got my first taste of pvp near razor hill when I spotted a nelf druid battling a troll priest. He was some 7 levels above me. I still had almost no trouble in downing him, similar to my rampages as a human hunter.

Enough story, here are my questions:

1. Are hunters speedy at leveling and good at soloing?

2. Where pvp stands now, hunters in lower BG brackets are completely overpowered, but in higher brackets they can be sliced down like a statue of butter. Is it possible that the "honor farms" I faced on my DK are simply bad players? Or is it more of a matter of abilities and balance rather than skill?

3. What is premier pvp spec and leveling spec? Ive read several guides updated for cataclysm, and all say completely different things in terms of specs.

Thank you hunter community for answering my questions in advance.

1. They're flipping amazing at both.
2. It's hard to firmly grasp describing how to play a hunter, but those who you were facing were obviously bad players, since I kite DK's all day and night. But your case might be the same as mine. One little piece of advice for PvPing is go questing without your pet! Then you can learn how to kite without your lovely tenactiy pet tanking for you.
3. All specs can be vital in PvP, but the best IMO is MM. But the thing with that, is it's only good in 1v1, BM is the way to go once you spec into "The Beast within" at ~65.

I hope my response helps you, and if you need to ask more questions, ask away!
Deleted by Chargrilled

what to do next?

Trying to figure out what my next step is to become a better hunter. I run random dungeons but none of the gear seems better. I try to run heroics but I do not put out enough dps.
Why are you still wearing that necklace? I believe you posted before for advice and that was certainly one of the things that was mentioned to change.

You can always increase your rep with the Cata factions for faction-specific gear, like the Treads of Malorne, or find someone to buy the VP boots.

Strength gear? Really?
First off try to get hit capped lets take this in baby steps

I would suggest looking up a hunter guide, check out the 4.2 Cataclysm Pre-Raiding Gear Guide on wowhead for example. Looks like you fundamentally misunderstand hunter stat prioritization (agi, agi, and then more agi) there are some great sites online that are dedicated to hunters, check em out.

(PVE DPS) Ruthless or Lightning-Charged?

I got the Ruthless Legs from BH last night and realized they could possibly be better stats for PVE DPS than my current. Here's the links:

Ruthless ^

Lightning-Charged ^

The stat comparison is:
90 agility + 36 haste VS 130 crit 75 mastery
90 agility + 59 haste vs 228 crit

Am I wrong in thinking the amount of extra agility on the Ruthless pants outweighs the loss of secondary stats? Thanks.

Edit: Just realized I logged out in my "pvp" set. Pay no heed to that lol.
Why not just buy the Flamewaker's Legguards and ignore this question entirely?

You have a rather odd PvP set. Just piqued my interest.
Me getting those legs are weeks away. Like 2 weeks and 6 days away. So to me it's worth it to enchant and gem those Ruthless legs if they are truly better.
Use FemaleDwarf to compare the two.
Lightning charged
agility is worth roughly 3 times the value of secondary stats which makes Ruthless the clear choice based on those stat comparisons.

Hard Cast Aimed Shot, or On Proc?

I know theres two variations of the MM rotation, I was just crunching numbers and it seems I get more DPS with a hard cast aimed shot rotation. These aren't on training dummies because i knnow about the whole careful aim phase, but what does everyone think? Serpent>Chimera>Steady>Steady>Arcane>Steady>Steady>Chimera and aimed on proc or Serpent>Chimera>Steady>Steady>Aimed>Steady>Steady>Chimera? Maybe it has to do with my gear? IDK but if someone could help me out. I'm a pretty raid aware hunter with solid high DPS but if I can make it better, why not? XD Thanks in advance.
Depending on your haste levels, which should be at plateau, AiS is a little better than arcane shot as a focus dump.

A few factors is mastery procs and crits. Say a hardcast aimed doesn't crit, and instead you could have done 2 arcane shots and an auto shot that all crit and proc'd mastery. You would have definitely been better off casting those arcane shots. In those situations you would have done more DPS with arcanes.

So basically it's random, but when you crunch numbers aimed comes out a little higher.

Factor in movement and arcane easily takes the cake. So rule of thumb is to not hardcast aimed after CA phase. Unless you have bloodlust and rapidfire up at the same time hardcast aimed for sure. You are better off not using rapidfire during bloodlust (unless RF is off cd, either way only save it if you know you aren't getting another one) aimed shot is by far the better focus dump with both haste buffs up.

for the last paragraph about BL+RF. Say your raid pops BL in first 10%, you want to pop rapidfire with lust there. if they pop it in last 10% and you know theres not 3 mins(another RF) left, but only enough time for lust+2RFs (about 70 seconds of the boss fight) you should save RF till after the lust.

Hunters are OP in rated PvP.


lol look at 2v2 2600+...DOMINATED by druids..most likely feral...just amazing

macro for target hunter pets?

i was wondering if theres a macro for target the hunters pet and cast scare beast

/cast [@petnamehere] Scare Beast
To answer your question, no, there is no scare beast macro available to target the target hunters pet unless, like the post above stated, you knew the name of the pet in advanced. Your best bet is to make a focus macro, to set the hunters pet as your focus, and a "/cast[target=focus] scare beast" macro... it would be a fast 1 click (everyone should have a /focus macro, or the focus command keybound IMO) to focus the pet, and then anytime you need to fear it, your macro will aim for that pet.

Note: You will have to refocus the pet if it dies, you die and it gets out of range, and for each new hunter, but it's the best solution i can think of.

Wasting a T12 4P proc on AS

Anyone else have this happen to them regularly? I'm smashing buttons so fast by the time I notice it proc my Arcane Shot button has been pressed and I want to punch my monitor.
All the time.
wish rag dropped me a hat so i could complain
what would you rather spend it on?

are you using any kind of addon to track when you gain this buff so you might be more aware and not waste your proc?
Use Powerauras to track Burning Adrenaline procs. Over the past couple days, I've noticed that the 4pc proc is wasted if it procs while a shot it mid flight ie: You cast Chimera, get a 4pc proc on the next auto shot, when the Chimera hits, it consumes the proc and focus.

I'll do some testing when I get home to truly confirm.
Even funner when you are playing with the RNG of Lock and Load right as you're about to explosive shot since it just came off cooldown.

"OMG, did that last explosive shot I use just count towards LnL or not?"

So yeah, I could see where the 4pc could be annoying.

Spell Penetration for Hunters, really?

I have come across a couple sites where spell penetration enchants to cloaks and +50 spell pen gems are recommended.

I know I had to use it on my DK for PVP to augment temporary resists buffs for certain casts to be effective, and it is completely asinine to have do it.

Do Hunters really have to sacrifice hard stats for spell penetration like the DK's?

If so how much?

Almost every class has to have spell pen for PvP. This isn't new.

3 x 50 spell pen gems + 70 spell pen to cloak.
New to me as far as hunter and thanks for the info.
For marksman I think you need 175 at least...

As Beastmaster not so much... 100 i think... Personaly ive givin up Spell penn...

Only people falling into my traps are either DK's Warriors or Rogues...

I play mostly Battlegrounds... just do 2's Arena for points...

So if your a serious MM in 3's 5's ... you may want the Spell penn...

If your just enjoying Battlegrounds as BM.. your call.. espechal since 40 agility to MM is

80 AP.... while 40 agility to a BM is what? 100 ap?
For marksman I think you need 175 at least...

As Beastmaster not so much... 100 i think... Personaly ive givin up Spell penn...

Only people falling into my traps are either DK's Warriors or Rogues...

I play mostly Battlegrounds... just do 2's Arena for points...

So if your a serious MM in 3's 5's ... you may want the Spell penn...

If your just enjoying Battlegrounds as BM.. your call.. espechal since 40 agility to MM is

80 AP.... while 40 agility to a BM is what? 100 ap?

Okay, ignoring how unreadable your post is (stop using so many ellipses), you realize chimera shot is nature damage right?
chimera shot = nature
explosive shot = fire
arcane shot = duh

far more DPS in PVP from countering MotW/BoK resistance than from the equivalent agility gems.
chimera shot = nature
explosive shot = fire
arcane shot = duh

far more DPS in PVP from countering MotW/BoK resistance than from the equivalent agility gems.


serpent sting=nature


tranq=shadow i believe? or magic nonetheless.

widows venom=nature?
You need 240 to cap for mages, and 195 for everything else.

This is for damage and traps and as said, you can't possibly make up the damage through agility against targets with resistance buffs/auras up.

You need 195 + Survival Tactics to ensure you never get a scatter trap resisted against a target with frost resistance.

Most hunters do 195 and stop. Others go a little further. The accepted gemming is:

Cloak Enchant + 3x 50 Spell pen in the blue sockes of your Belt, gloves, legs. This results in 220 Spell pen, a little extra for mages using Mage Armor.


Cloak Enchant + 2x 50 spell pen gems + 1x 25 Spell pen / 20 Resil gem (green) in the blue sockets of your belt, gloves, legs. This results in 195 spell pen, enough for any scatter traps to not get resisted, and enough to nullify the damage resistance fully of everything other than a mage with mage armor.

It's worth doing if you pvp often.

EDIT: Also Tranquilizing Shot is Nature.

EDIT: Also Tranquilizing Shot is Nature.

Thanks, the warlock hand icon thing fooled me lol.

Specs for 85

Hi guys I'm an up and coming hunter. First time I'm ever playing one past lvl 35 and I plan on going all the way up to 85 to pvp and do world ganking. I just wanted to know what are some of the cool/fun factors of each spec? I don't care much for maximizing damage. Really this character is more for fun than anything else. Also, which tree is good at surviving. I would think Survival but that's just a name and don't want to go off of just that.

The best spec for soloing content is Beast Mastery. Just sent your pet in for a few seconds, let it get aggro, toss it a heal every once in a while, and dps the mobs down. However, it isn't very viable in dungeons, raids, or PvP (but i will admit it is very fun in PvP). It mainly focuses on your pet's damage. They also can get special pets that no other hunters can get, after getting the final 31-point talent.

Marksmanship can get you big crits in PvE and PvP. It is the most used hunter spec, i believe. Readiness (a talented ability) resets every cooldown. Yes, every cooldown. They also don't have to worry about reapplying Serpent Sting, thanks to Chimera Shot. Marksmanship also has a 3 second silence. It mainly focuses on physical damage.

Survival I don't really know much about. However, i do know that it can be useful in arena's and dungeons thanks to Wyvern Sting, which puts the target to sleep. It mainly focuses on elemental damage.
Top 3 specs for hunters in descending order are MM, MM and MM.

2 Hunts and Disc Priest

Hey all. Has anyone experienced arena with a discipline priest and another hunt.

Thinking that this comp can be super dangerous and tough to beat.

Please share thoughts, and better yet; experiences.
Dalaran sewers would be an instant loss every single time.

Dalaran sewers > all hunters.

Issues with hunter macro

Im working on a macro that i can spam concussive shot to help bring out stealth, however if i already have a target i want it to keep current target and not tab target (which is currently the issue im facing atm)

#showtooltip Concussive Shot
/cast [harm, nodead] Concussive Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

any help would be greatly appreciated thank you for your time and reading.
Try a mouseover

#showtooltip Concussive Shot
/cast [target=mouseover, harm,exists][harm] Concussive Shot

Either the mouseover above or you're going to have to tab target.
#showtooltip Concussive Shot
/cast [harm, nodead] Concussive Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

annimation and ability idea

i was thinking earlier about how the new monk class will mostly use hand to hand style combat and only pull their weapons to do finishing moves,then i started thinking about the hunter's no range limit on our bow's or gun's.

i would like to see blizzard do a annimation for the hunter's that pull out their sidearm(could be revolver or knife)when they get into melee range and i suggest the "pistol whip" ability that could act as a small stun maybe replacing scatter shot but i'm not limitted to it being a stun for it could just aswell do a bleed effect as getting pistol whipped usually ends with a broken nose or busted lip or possibly even just making it replace wing clip as a slow only a little longer in duration than wc.

i think it would bring some fun back to the !@#$er's rotation.any other ideas on what you could do with that type of mechanic?

@hunter "flavor"

things i can remember being "flavorful"

trap launcher, just like a cc ability, only harder.

melee range, if someone can think of a place where this offers any advantage(other than that we are "balanced" around the need to be out of it, and so we get mobility) i would like to hear.

snake damage, i have seen these little guys strike fear in the hearts of men, dropping huge 40 point bombs into their 140k health bars. here's something you might not know about them: they will ignore all uncced targets, and go straight for whoever is in a freezing trap. test it.

hunter flavor in summation, tastes like my monkey should be throwing it at someone for a 4 second blind.
When will Blizz get a clue??

Hunters don't want to be "huntery", have "flavor" or be cool. Hunters want to be effective.
Hunters don't want to be "huntery", have "flavor" or be cool. Hunters want to be effective.

When will Blizz get a clue??

Hunters don't want to be "huntery", have "flavor" or be cool. Hunters want to be effective.

Uhhh...cant I be both?

As for snake trap...yea I would say buff the damage to be at least MINOR (not compleatly useless like it is now) or just get rid of it and have the snakes spew MN,Crip, and maybe an armor reducer poison.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fire Pigs?

So im seeing people running arond with "Flaming Boars" from mulgore. Iv'e looked up how to tame them, but i still cant be able to do it in time. anyone know how to tame them correctly?
a partner makes it way easier, still some trial and error but fun little pet to have. on my server ive only ever seen 3, 2 of my hunters have one and another guildy as well.

Macros For PVP

Been dueling quite a bit. Trying to get ready for arena tonite. And I seem to have major trouble with DKs. I have 3 macros dont know if they are effective much. Seems when the DK death grips me and stuns me I can trinket out and use macro thus I continue kiting. However, 2 seconds later I am death gripped again and my macros are on CD. Any ideas or macros you all use would be helpful.

My macros are pretty basic
1. Concussive Shot and Kill Command
2. Serpent Sting and Arcane
3. Scatter Shot, Trap, Disengage
These are all on my mouse so I can continue to kite
BTW do you think I should macro something that would have Deterrence?
#showtooltip Chimera Shot
/cancelaura Deterrence
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Chimera Shot

To get a Chimera shot off when you really need it for pressure. It stops steady/cobra/aimed shots and cancels deterrence.

/cast Disengage

So that you can disengage out of trouble even if your in the middle of a cast.

/cast Deterrence

To cast deterrence even if you are in the middle of a cast.

#showtooltip Silencing Shot
/cast [target=mouseover, harm,exists][harm] Silencing Shot

To get that important silence off on the healer while staying on your target. If nothing is moused over, it will cast on your current target.

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [target=mouseover, harm,exists][harm] Scatter Shot

Same as silence in essence.

/target player
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Roar of Sacrifice
/cast Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)
/cast Roar of Recovery

This is a macro I made for these three abilities in essence. It will target me, cast whichever of these spells are available then go back to the enemy target. It's seemless and you won't notice a difference. If you mouse over a friendly target, it will cast the available ability on that friend if you mouse over them.

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Intervene
/cast Intervene
/target player
/cast Intervene
/Passive(Pet Stance)

This one is a bit outdated but still works fine. If you mouse over a friend, and the friend is in range, the pet will intervene them. If the friend is not in range, the pet will instead target you and intervene you. Regardless of what happens, you will target your last target (the enemy). I put pet passive on there due to the old mechanic where the pet had to be within range for it to take damage as well. I kept it because I usually want to do a crab pin/monkey stun on a melee afterwords and it keeps the pet close by and on stand by.

/cast Kill Shot

This will get that important kill shot off even if your mid steady cast.

/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists][help][target=player] Master's Call

This makes sure that master's call takes prescedence over your steady cast. It also works as a mouse over to a friendly target. Great if you have melee team mates. Master's Call automatically targets you or a targeted friend as a standard, so if you do not have a friendly moused over, it will come to you or your targeted friend.

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast !Steady Shot

The lazy way to stance dance.

i do not understand your macros. why do you have serpent sting and arcane shot macroed together? and why do you have disengage macroed to your scatter trap? wing clip + disengage is a more logical combo.

when fighting a DK don't use disengage before he grips you. don't trinket if he still has stuns available or hasn't gripped you yet... it's like trinketing sap. waste of a trinket.
I figure get off my dot then as I am kiting use Arcane which in my macro is mouse up
I like Scatter since it disorients opponent but I am gonna change that one since it makes since to slow opponent down using wing clip

WOW!! Do hunters really need that many macros LOL!
Oh and with the DK I dont disengage til he/she death grips me.
So when he/she does Disengage wait for stun then trinket-right?
Felise thank you for macros-BTW where do key bind all those macros LOL
My 5 button mouse.

Trinket help

Askmrrobot is terrible so i wont be using their Best in slot guide.

atm im using Rickets magnetic fire ball, and Fluid death.

I just hit revered with Avengers and grabbed the Ancient petrified seed but im not sure if its Better than either of them.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, Wydra
cool except that thing looks like an airplane cockpit

Regarding Mastery and Rounding.

I'm trying to find accurate information on how mastery is treated when mastery rating X = Mastery Y.yy = Skill %Z In terms of rounding.

Example 1, where mastery % per point(not rating) is multiple %s, not just 1 point = 1%
- Each 180 (rounded up for ease) Mastery rating = 1 mastery.
- Mastery Skill A does 2.1% chance per 1 mastery.
- The base mastery skill is 16%
- I have 403 mastery.

403 mastery rating into mastery points is 2.27 ish.
2.27 rating x 2.1% chance per mastery gives me a +4.767% chance on top of my base 16%
This yields 20.767% chance (displayed as 21%, with no decimal places)

((The above is a MM Hunter))

Example 2 (which I cant show as effectively as I don't have a spec ready to display this.. but can describe...)

Same numbers, this is a survival hunter mastery example
- 403 mastery
- base skill % is 8%
- Each 1 mastery point = 1% skill
- 180 mastery rating per mastery point

Again, this would yeild out a 4.767% increase on top of the base 8%. However, as survival hunter, the tooltip displays 12%, not 12.77%, not 12.5%, not 13%.... just 12%.

I have other classes masteries which display similar issues, much more noticably with masteries that are 1 mastery point = 1% Skill XYZ.


The question here is -
For those masteries which do not have decimal places (marksman is 2.1% per mastery point, survival is 1% per mastery point), does mastery actually work with 10ths and 100ths of a %? or if Im sitting at X.95 mastery points, are my 0.95 rating points worth completely wasted? Why does the tooltip not reflect 10ths and 100ths?

I think the Hunter Forum would be the best place for your query, if this is just related to Hunter masteries.

Edit: if you're asking about all masteries, General would likely be the best forum.
Here ya go.
This is in regard to all masteries, Im just a hunter so easy to give examples.

I would appreciate a blue response to this, or a link to a confirm-able source that says *Yes there is a hidden decimal place that is not shown* etc...

General (Forums) is useless.
Bullettime said yes.

and this topic isn't new. its been discussed and proven to be yes.
Im sorry! I thought he was saying yes to using the hunter forums or such ...

... Any source material to review that I can see?
feral druid mastery

hunter mastery Zeherah's test

Thank you Nightsights! .. I must have missed that in the EJ FAQ.. been awhile since I read that.. usually just track the MM Thread.

GL on your heroic rag if your still working on him!

Best action bar setup

So what would be a good action bar setup for MM or BM.

What I'm asking is what would be a good rotation/placement of skill+spells.
Visuals would be appreciated.
I recommend bartender.

Put 3 bars along the bottom of your screen after removing the blizzard art bar. Rest of bar stack to the right side going vertically.

Minibar and bag bar and vehicle bar can go bottom right. Chat screen bottom left.

Drag all your skills with a cool-down greater than 2 seconds, or ones that show status (for example which pet) on the bottom bars.
Drag all your skills that are spammable (steady shot) Tranq shot etc. onto right side bars.

Once you have every skill on your bars (dont forget macros and racials) go into keybind mode and bind every single thing you need.

Do 4 BGs with all your bars showing, Then hide (select invisible bar option) all of the right ones and leave only the bottom two remaining.

There you're done.
Got any pictures of this?

So I can take reference?

thats mine i use. its neat and clean and i like it -=]

thats mine i use. its neat and clean and i like it -=]

I think I'm going to setup my action bar something like that, btw what add on is that?

I think I'm going to setup my action bar something like that, btw what add on is that?

Up at the top is either TitanBar or FuBar. Down at the bottom looks like !@#$os with reskin addon.