I've been working my way through some of the old raid and dungeon content and for the most part I've had very few problems and most of those are with mechanics. That being said I would really like it if the BM spec could get an exotic tanking pet that would have better self heals or better/more defensive CD' so that they could hold up longer. Aggro really isn't a problem with glyphed MD.
What are all of your thoughts on the matter?
That is not a tanking pet. That is a spirit cat masquerading as a bear.
Turtle. BM or not.
Jadefang is a rare "exotic" tank pet with that gives you a Paladin buff...that good enough?
WTB basilisks
I have a beetle, I have a arcturis. What I want is a combination of the two. If I can't do good enough dps for current tier raids, I want to be able to go back and solo older tiers.
I personally prefer BM for soloing. Before going any further:
MM is essential for fights you aren't beating an enrage timer since it has a higher dps. It also is essential when bandages, feign death, LoS isn't good enough for self heals. Some mechanics will target you no matter what and if you're dying you'll need to go to MM. There will be encounters where a spirit beast will be a fine tank for you but chimera is just simply better.
BM side you have 4 great options for pets:
1. Worm - Acid spit helps with t5 healing, a ranged attack to pick off flyers, and is just a beast. The aggro dropping burrow attack isn't all useful for you but you could make use of it if you want your pet to drop aggro. It's my #1 choice for serious soloing.
2. Shale spider - This is my lazy pet. The nice thing about him is the web for trash or just starting dps faster. It's a free kings so I don't have to use drums. This is my current pet I mostly use for lazy soloing where consumables aren't required and I'm just doing the "rounds".
3. Turtle - Rarely use him. The longetivity helps with quicker growls, shorter CDs on shell and cower, and can use BW as a 3rd defensive cd with t5. At a minute per it really is a great talent.
4. Spirit beast - This is just for fights where there is no option of pet dying but you need help healing.
Get 2pc t5. problem solllllved.
BM pets already survive longer than other specs, what's the problem?
Shale spider is your exotic tenacity, it provides a pretty nice buff already.
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