There is no reason to tame Skitterflame. He's a rare red fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Spinner. In fact, you could tame a Cinderweb Spinner and call it Skitterflame.
There is no reason to tame Anthriss. He's a rare yellow fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Creeper. Again, you could just tame a Cinderweb Creeper and name it Anthriss.
There is no reason to tame Kirix. He's the rare green fire spider with the exact same model as the Cinderweb Broodling. Yet again, the Cinderweb Broodling can be tamed and named Kirix.
Solix is the rare orange fire spider. It shares the same model as the Cinderling, but thankfully, the Cinderling cannot be tamed.
It seems that Deth'tilac is the only unique colored fire spider out of the whole bunch, but even then, it's still just a color swap. Can anything be done about the new challenge tames to make them stand out a little from their less rare brethren? Can we maybe have the rare challenge tames be bigger than the normal spiders when tamed? Or possibly a cool fire aura or something that differentiates the rare challenge tames from the normals?
Ive said the same thing. No point in going for wasting time taming them when you can get is brothers and sisters lol
I find it more satisfying to know that I DID tame a pet of varying challenge as opposed to grabbing a carbon copy and posing it as if I actually worked for something.
Im a collector. Pets, Mounts, Companions, Tabards, Keys, etc.... And those 3 spider pets were anything but utterly pointless for me. Same with Borwn Maddex. Same with Rakshiri which shares a model with the now very common Shy-rotam. True Deth'tilac was the one i decided to keep but thats because theres only so many stable slots and i was only willing to give one to a spider. If i had more slots would I be satisfied going after the common three and naming their after their rare counterparts? Never. As a collector it would gnaw at me endlessly.
What was the point? That they exist. That I knew they are out there, challenges made specificly for me, and I hadnt tamed them. Not to parade them around outside the bank in Stormwind.
It would have been a better idea if the spiders had a unique ability as opposed to the regular spiders. EVEN IF the ability is the web does a small amount of fire damage. better that than a basic web that the silithid bugs and shale spider spew out.
Cinderweb Broodlings cannot be tamed. So yeah....
Actually they can. Theres 2 types. The normal small green ones that are always there cannot be tamed. There is also a random spawn of a small pack of them that runs around for a few minutes then despawns, these can be tamed. I myself had one until I managed to stumble across Kirix and get him.
I do agree about the Rares though, something should be done to make them different than their common counterparts. Hell, let them keep the Web ability like it, however change it to the Fire Web type that is in Beth'tilac's lair. Not game breaking, but would show that they are indeed unique.
Cinderweb Broodlings cannot be tamed. So yeah....
They most definitely can be. Petopia is wrong in this case.
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