Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hunter Fixes:

Gonna get straight into it, we already know Hunter representation is low and blah blah.
I did some BM and Survival PvP, and have been MM since forever so I'll talk about some things that could really be changed for the Hunter class.

Starting with BM, Survival, MM, and finishing off with general Hunter changes.

I went ahead and bolded the most important changes, because I'm not going to lie.. some of these things are more of a "wish-list".

Beast Mastery:
Improved Kill Command: Improves critical strike chance of Kill Command by 5/10%.
-Change to reduce the cost by 5/10 focus.
-Remove the Kill Command glyph.

Cobra Strikes: You have a 5/10/15% chance when you hit with Arcane Shot to makes your pets next 2 basic attack be a critical hit.
-Change to give it a 5/10/15% chance to make your next Kill Command a crit.

Killing Streak: When you deal two Kill Command crits in a row, your next Kill Command will deal 10/20% more damage and have it's cost reduce by 5/10 focus.
-Don't change this. Simply, MAKE THE DURATION OF THIS FROM 7 SECONDS TO 15 SECONDS. When this buff is activated, Kill Command will still be on cooldown. The CD on KC is 6 seconds, meaning we have only 1 freaking second to get use of this buff.

Hunter vs. Wild: Increase your stamina by 5/10/15%.
-Change to reduce all damage taken by 2/4/6% and increase stamina by 3/6/9%.

Counterattack: is a piece of !@#$.
-Change it to where our Raptor Strike will put our target into a 5 second root. Increases the damage of raptor strike by 50% (it's soooooo weak right now, does litterally like 3k damage). 45 second CD.

Black Arrow:
-Change it to make this undispellable. This is our 31 point talent and it can be dispelled by so many classes. It's down right a slap in the face.

Now to Marksman:
Efficiency: Reduces the cost of arcane shot by 1/2/3, explosive shot and chimera shot by 2/4/6.
-Change it to reduce the cost of Chimera Shot and Explosive shot by 8/15. (both cost 50 untalented).

Improved Steady Shot: Casting two steady shots back to back increase your ranged attack speed by 15% for 8 seconds.
-Change it so Cobra Shot benefits from this. Increase duration to 12 seconds.

Piercing Shots: Your critical Aimed Shot, Chimera Shot, and Steady Shot (should also be Cobra Shot) cause 10/20/30% of its damage over 8seconds as a physical dot.
-Change so it's 10/20/30% of its damage over 4 seconds.

Resistance is Futile: When your marked target attempts to run, flee or move, you have a 4% chance to cause your next Kill Command on the marked target within 8 sec to refund the Focus cost.
-Change this entirely. Kill Command doesn't belong in the MM tree. Give it a 8/15% chance when you hit with arcane shot to make your next Chimera Shot a critical strike. 8 second duration.

(our "burst" comes from chimera shot crits, and if it doesn't crit we're pretty weak. This would honestly help so much.)

Master Marksman: You have a 20/40/60% chance when you Steady Shot to gain the Master Marksman effect, lasting 30 sec. After reaching 5 stacks, your next Aimed Shot's cast time and focus cost are reduced by 100% for 10 sec.
-Change it to a 33/66/100% chance when you Steady or Cobra shot to gain the buff. Make it stack to 8. RNG = bad. problem solved. (I've had a stack of 4 with over 5 steady shots not procing one. Yes, this has actually happened numerous times.)

(again, the RNG on this is very annoying. It would help a lot to have.)

General Hunter Changes:
Focus regen is extremely slow, and casting back to back steady shots is nearly impossible in pvp.
-Change from 4 focus a second to 6 focus per second.
-Change steady/cobra shot cast speed from 2seconds to 1.4 seconds.

-Merge Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Fox. You can name it whatever you want.
-(4) piece pvp set bonus is 5% extra focus. That's a WHOPPING 0.20 extra focus per second! At that rate, I can get off an extra Arcane Shot in just a short 110 seconds (1min, 50sec)! Change it so (4) piece reduces disarm duration by 60%, just like the warrior set.
^ will let us enchant 130agi to our weapons.
-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.
-Ice Trap: keep it the same, seperate CD from freezing trap. Change it so it will go off when the next person walks over it, or it will automatically arm itself after 5 seconds of nobody walking over it. GG problem solved. wasn't hard.
-Snake Trap: remove deadly poison from this. It does like 30 damage. Litterally.
-Chimera Shot: Make the heal from 5% to 9%.
We all know what is wrong.

We all give a lot of ragtag, unique ideas to fixing the class. If a group of hunters who kinda know what the hell is going on can't agree on how to fix hunters, how could you expect the Devs to fix this class that they don't believe exists?
I agree with MOST of the changes, but a few are a bit off.
For ex.
-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.

Hunters have 1 CC, aswell as a short silence or stun depending on spec. What do other classes have? Mages have polly and deep and imp. CS. Warlocks, Coil, Fear and Spell Lock, aswell as UA, etc etc.
Notice: We have one of the lowest amounts of CC, and 90 seconds for our single CC is too long. Sure, a freezing arrow is fine, but it should not have a longer cooldown to compensate, every other class can cast it directly onto the target at no cost.
I suggest that if it is going to be turned into a targeted move, that instead of increasing the cooldown, make it DR with Scatter, So we can use scatter as an actual means of peeling melee off ourselves, rather than a setup for a CC.
I agree with most of this.

-Merge Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Fox. You can name it whatever you want.

Name it "Aspect of the Lynx"

-Freezing Trap. Increase the cooldown from 30seconds to 90 seconds (1min 30sec). Make it an ARROW to freeze our targets. Setting my trap down and combining it with scatter is not very reliable.

90 seconds is too long. Make it 60 seconds.

EDIT: Concussive Shot cooldown increased to 15 seconds.
I also would like a TARGETED form of cc as well. :)
lol forget that 90 second crap make it 30 seconds and let me keep scatter trap i want that and freezing arrow i dont see a problem with that. :D
No name it aspect of the dragonhawk :) wait didnt we already have that? aspect of hawk and aspect of monkey combined and they took it out cause it was too powerfull so they wont ever combine fox and hawk that would be even more OP.But si nce this is a WISH list i agree with everything :)
Deleted by Eveninglite

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