What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroic, raids, quest, solo old content.
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
Disapearing pet ontrol bar.
Flying pet no following u around on flying mounts (like all pet in mounts when u arent flying (that was a cool adition btw)).
No more arrows showing in the bow.
What makes playing your class more fun?
Solo capabilitie.
Pet (to a degree).
Ranged fisical dmg delaer.
Not worring about pesky interrupts.
What makes playing your class less fun?
Heavy dependance on pet.
Crapy melee capabilities.
That SV dosent have anything to, u know, survive.
Camuflaje on a 1 min CD, its not fun sneaking ur way in but having to wait to sneak out.
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
At the correct haste levels good, however if its not good it can lead to some GCD with 3 things to push and GCD with nothing in them, that leads to pushing some other useless abilitie wasting focus adn a GCD.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
-More pets.
-Tameable mounts.
-Ammo, not in the old way, but as a costum added grafical efect. I liked how iceblade arrow have that cool frosty blue aura on the tip, it looked good as u see them in bow/crosboow, flying and in the corpses of gnomes, errr - enemies. It added a cool efect on ranged weapons (u caold have enegenniers make this again for frost looking arros or fire or lightning or waht ever). Note: no added dmg to this.
-Correction on the BE female animation while holding a bow, the arrows look like its gona fall off the bow, the alineation is all wrong.
-Correction on the BE female animation while holding a crossbow, it look like 6 years old child, holding the stock beneath the arm pit pressing with the elbow agains the torax; it should be pushing againts the shoulder for better acurracy and withstand the recoil of the xbow.
-Scrap the "exotic" pet type.
-Instead of BM having exotic pet and 4 extra talentes for pets have them control 2 pets at a time (with maybe the extra 4 talente points) with dmg and everything balanced of course, that would really be a BM.
-No more guns, they polute and add to Azerothing warming.
-The capabilitie of changing the buff/debuff the pets make do with another pet.
-More potent (dmg) traps.
-Change black arrow shadow dmg with a lightning dmg (because shadow dmg dosent really fit a hunter).
-A bow ranged, DW melee, DW tanking, horde only class; (Sylvanas dark ranger corps fit this perfectly), balanced in the ally side by a warcraft 3 demon hunter type class (ranged, melee, tanking class) to keep both sides equal (like NE demonhunter supervised by druids and paladins to ensure non of em go wacko again), in essence same class with diferen lore just to sipce up the game. (hunter and shaman gear fill in the gear requeriments with talents to tweak what kind of role will the user fullfill).
What spells do you use the least?
Widow venom.
Inmolation trap.
Snake trap.
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