[:1]Ive always used RF during bloodlust. I always thought "hey, since im getting a damage buff I should attack as fast as possible right?" But apparently I should not be using RF? Is that true and if so why?
I had also heard that it is a overall dps loss to do so, however there are reasons you may want to. On many encounters, you time BL/HERO to either
A: Shorten a difficult phase of the fight by increasing damage or healing
B: use BL during beginning because the mechanics allow a standstill burn during the front end of the fight.
In cases such as these, i use rapid fire with BL simply because even though it may be less overall dps, its more dps when my raid needs it. This of course isnt the case with every fight, or any fight once you have it on farm, but can be useful when trying to get a first kill on a new boss.
Use rapid fire right off the bat (and readiness with it if you're MM) so that you can use it twice per fight for big deeps. Barring gimmicky encounter mechanics.
Deleted by Dalimer
The reason that you do not use RF and BL at the same time is because doing so diminishes the value of each. If you are using the Haste plateaus recommended by Whitefyst over at EJ, then stacking them will push Steady Shot well below the GCD. Because you can't fire anything faster than the GCD anyways, it does you no good to have casted shots below the GCD. Using them separately pushes SS close to, or just under, the GCD during both abilities.
Now, if it's more important that you push Aimed Shot down close to the GCD, then you should stack them.
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