Thursday, April 12, 2012

Haste to Account for Latency

[:1]So, I haven't really seen any info on this particular tidbit of common knowledge regarding Haste Plateaus, so I was wondering if anyone had any real 'method' of determining how much extra Haste you need to account for any given amount of Latency.

I usually go 10-20 rating over a cap, and usually have 150-250ms latency, any particular methodology I should follow based around that level of latency?
Get a shaman/frost DK buddy to sit with you a few minutes on a target dummy to figure it out.

Here is Whitefyst's explanation of how much Haste you need to counteract latency issues. 10 - 20 Rating is nowhere near sufficient for your latency.

That should hopefully shed some insight.

Beaten to the punch.

That should hopefully shed some insight.

Beaten to the punch.

That actually makes me die a bit inside.
I have ~55 ms latency, and just doing a bit of math to fit my steadies into a 10, I need 371 haste rating over the cap to cover merely 0.18 seconds every 10 seconds.

I really hope I can siphon that from crit pieces so I won't feel as bad about reforge out of potential crit >.<

I can only imagine how horrendous it is with someone dealing with 300 latency. It takes more haste to reduce 0.01 seconds the higher the plateau is...
Well, you need to understand that that's for a mathematically significant situation in a spreadsheet.

In most fights, you won't be operating at 100% efficiency, nor will you not get FPS/Connection lag.

The difference between 10 and 10.1 is mathematically significant. In real situation testing? Mostly negligible.

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